Re: banning members
  • 2005/12/2 2:20

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

Not much you can do if they are persistant. If you got his IP and can tell who's his ISP then you can send them the info. That kind of behavior is usually against the ISP's use agreement.

If they are smart enough to use one of the many proxy surf's out there, you can ban the ip's to those as they appear.

Maybe move to an admin view approval for newbs for a bit?
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: News modules
  • 2005/12/1 13:50

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

Go to the admin section of the news module and check the permissions tab. Apply permissions accordingly.

Also check the preferences.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: One site removed the copyright!!!!
  • 2005/11/30 23:59

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

Another reason. Hackers.

Why give them system, module, version number, etc? for them to google when an "OOPS" is found.

ESPECIALLY the way things have been lately....
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Referal Module
  • 2005/11/30 18:07

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

The only one i know of is aMember with the XOOPS plugin.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Topic blocks module
  • 2005/11/29 14:44

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

I believe it's just a "module" that adds new spiffy blocks. So really there isn't any admin side to the module.

Just go to Blocks and you'll be able to customize it there. If you haven't already, make sure to go to templates and generate any templates it may need.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Help with wrapping
  • 2005/11/28 22:10

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

top of page:
include ("mainfile.php");

body of page:
include 'http://www.example.com/file.txt?foo=1&bar=2';

bottom of page:
include ("footer.php");

name the file what ever you want.php and wa la.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Db converter NewBB in Ipb
  • 2005/11/28 13:16

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

xoops version? -> newbb version?

m0nty will probably chime in, but you should post the "?" on bbpixel's site. They are great at helping out.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Successful login, redirect to main page - logged out already. Help.
  • 2005/11/26 13:36

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

BY FAR the easiest solution I have found is use IBP forum module and use it's registration/login side.

Let's face it, getting a person to sign up on your site is a feat in itself. Add the hoops for the firewall and say buh-bye to a new user. I've always thought this was a huge drawback of XOOPS (IMO).

After they are in and getting the feel of everything, then you can walk them through the XOOPS side and convenience them it's not a bad thing to set it trusted. (how many of us have heard that one?)
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
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Re: Javascript
  • 2005/11/26 12:49

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

Ok, this is what I came up with to allow Javascript. Please feel free to improve

$patterns[] = "/j{$c}a{$c}v{$c}a{$c}s{$c}c{$c}r{$c}i{$c}p{$c}t{$c}:/si";
if (
$html != 1
$replacements[] = "(tammairanslip)";
} else {
$replacements[] = "(javascript)";

The other thing I found to get this to work is you'll need to turn off the nl2Br (coverting line breaks). Sucks, cuz you have to go in and edit all your news items and add br's.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Javascript
  • 2005/11/24 18:29

  • Goober

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  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30


frankblack wrote:

$patterns[] = "/[b][color=ff0000]j[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]a[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]v[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]a[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]s[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]c[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]r[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]i[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]p[/color][/b]{$c}[b][color=ff0000]t[/color][/b]{$c}:/si";
$replacements[] = "(tammairanslip)";

You can make an if-statement in order to exclude admins from that replacement.

frankblack, u da man!

Thanks so much!
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

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