Re: Looking for a simple clan roster module
  • 2008/2/1 23:22

  • Bender

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Re: I don´t see the submit button in modules admin menu! How can i fix it?
  • 2008/2/1 23:03

  • Bender

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1. Please stop SHOUTING at us! *1

2. Did you upload a module before this happened? If so ... the folder structure is not uploaded correctly.

You could also try to move every module (except system) out of the modules folder and then move them back one by one with testing meanwhile. (of course move them temporary into a new folder inside the root or somewhere - just dont create a new subfolder under modules and put them there)

Disclaimer: follow this moving advice only if you know what you are doing

*1 Quote:
Wikipedia says:
On Internet chat systems, forums and Usenet, typing a sentence in all capitals is considered rude, the large letters akin to shouting or yelling within the social context. On a more practical level, text written in all capital letters, a result of engaging the caps lock, may be difficult to read.[1] The 'Caps Lock Theory', is often referred to in Internet chat forums and states that there is an inverse relationship between a person's use of the caps lock and their knowledge of a particular subject. There are known groups of people whose Internet communities are based entirely around the use of the caps lock key.
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Re: removing modules from main menu
  • 2008/1/29 19:54

  • Bender

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For other starters stumbling over this post and asking the same question:

Enter System administration
- choose modules
- set the value for order to '0'(zero) for the module you don´t want to see in the main menu

This can also be found somewhere in the faq on this site.
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Re: How to update wfsection from 1.01 to 2.01 ?
  • 2008/1/13 21:02

  • Bender

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John, instead of correcting Marks php5 comment i would have prefered you corrected my "don´t hold your breath" comment ... *d.a.m.n.*
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Re: How to update wfsection from 1.01 to 2.01 ?
  • 2008/1/13 16:46

  • Bender

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Some more infos:

- no ... SmartSection has nothing to do with WF-Section. It was not handed to the SmartFactory since a) Catz might be back on that one one day (don´t hold your breath though)and b) The SmartFactory already had SmartSection at that time we shut down wf-projects website. So there was no interest also

- yes you should be able to import data from wf-section into SmartSection (wf-s 1.x should be supported by the included script)

- further information can be found here:

- finally: you cannot update wf-s 1.x to 2.x by just overwriting. The tablestructure changed a lot inbetween

So best way seems to restore a backup and then convert to SmartSection as Mark already suggested.
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Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/12/13 21:17

  • Bender

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hackbrill wrote:
I have a question.

From my understanding, XOOPS 3.0 (the 2.0 and 2.2 branch merger) will be developed commercially per this thread
My question is this:

Since impresscms is currently using the code of XOOPS for their cms, will they be able to use the new XOOPS 3.0 code also?

That simply depends on the license it will be under. If completely rewritten and published under a different license (ok fairly unlikely) they could prevent it.

However the question is more like "Would they even want to use that code?". Look at the developers list who moved to impress - do you expect them to sit and wait for XOOPS to go to 3.0 and then republish it? Doesn´t sound to likely ain´t it?

More seriously (assuming both projects go their own way and keep on going) i would expect a transfer of future code from one project to another. One more interesting point would be the question "When will they reach the point of no return?" the point where code is no longer similar enough to run modules on both systems.
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Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/12/13 20:19

  • Bender

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those titles you refer to come actually with the system sf.net is based on. To allow access to svn, cvs, trackers whatever to do work you have to actually be put in some kind of class.
So they are not registered in the project to have the tag "developer" or whatever. Its just a sideeffect of participating.

What possibly could you or more generally spoken this part of the XOOPS Universe gain by removing them? I already named the possible advantage of having them still in there - can you give a real reason why they should be removed ( i mean in a way that "this current Xoops.org Xoops" would have any gain from it?

Also what is happening now will most likely make this and the new teams place a more pleasant one because - once split up - both sides could get back to working on what they think is right instead of fighting each other. Banning them would just fuel the fire. Instead of that both sides should solve the open issues asap and then move their way.
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Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/12/13 19:53

  • Bender

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Could it be that you simply want to hurt people by banning them? That would serve no purpose ...
Some of those moved to impress do have customers with XOOPS websites which might not be so jumpy to instantly or at all change to impress. So you would actually loose some people that even now might work on both paths.

Or do you actually believe any of the people on the list you posted would do (what exactly?) by being a member of the XOOPS sf.net project?

As far as being a privilidge goes ... that privilidge as you name it was most likely earned by spending a lot of time in developing modules and supporting users here.

So ... i really think this suggestion is not such a good idea. Try viewing it from the perspective that those who remain here seem to have a common understanding about the way they want things to be and same goes for those that head for impress. Then there will be the wanderers between the worlds. And: They don´t harm you. :)

@Marco and all who say this project should not have anything alike the foundation at all: i would be with mamba on that topic of legal parts. I think its easy to dismiss as long as its not your own name being responsible. You could say this for XOOPS or any other project of this size, smaller or larger. What would happen if someone sues because of something written on the forum? These days there are lawyers just making their dayjob by scanning the internet for possible reasons to sue someone - its quick and easy earned money. Now assuming its still Ono owning the domain and there being no foundation or any other form of legal representation it would actually be quite ironic if he would be punished for allowing all of us to continue using this place for years after he left under the known circumstances.
Would it be right for him to be the person to pay the bill for any kind of thing happening here? No i don´t think so. Again - not XOOPS specific - but any project like this should have something for legal representation and protect people simply trying to do something good.
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Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 23:21

  • Bender

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BlueStocking wrote:
DJ doesn't read all these posts, he just doesn't have time to keep up with all the drama...

Pardon me - but did he actually say that or is that just what you believe?

Since he assumed full control and not only development control that would be rather ... hmmm ... strange. So i assume this is speculation on your part right?

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Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 23:14

  • Bender

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Again to clarify XOOPS the prject is as much yours as is anyone else's but the problem is with you guys holding the posts you do and supporting a competing project.

I guess all of them them won´t be sticking to their posts ... would make no sense. However it might take some time to dismantle it since its a legal entity.

Given all the fire the foundation took (from those still here) who would take it over? I guess no one really would want to.

Now if its being dismantled who would take care of legal issues? To be blunt ... right now if Ono is still the owner of the domain and only dns pointing has been changed to dj´s server he would be probably get sued for things happening here on site if something happened. Doesnt seem right to me.(actually if i were him i would have handed the domain over to whomever he liked long time ago or would have kicked everyone out of here two years ago)

But back to topic ... who would continue it and if not: what with the funds? Don´t now about the legal part. In Germany i believe it would be given to charity upon dismantling. Not sure what would be the deal here.

As to what it comes down to "how could they do it and leave, starting another project?" i guess it simply comes down to "they were not wanted here ... at least not from the (not all) people who raised their voice. Simple as that.

Did this come unexpected ... surely not. Is there another way? I would think no ... simply because a lot of people on both sides of the fence have taken so much damage and are now lost so deep in their hatred that i don´t see this being resolved by finding a way back to peace with everyone in this single place. At least not within our short lifespan.

Sad thing is ... somehow i find myself feeling connected with people on both sides of the fence. I wish i could just say "i like this group" and "i hate that one" ... but seems life is not that simple.
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