Re: SecurityImage not functioning properly
  • 2006/10/27 13:41

  • boumbo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25


DuGris wrote:
For which module do you want use the class securityimage ???

I want to use it for a module that was created by the previous web programmer, called minaweb, it takes care of all the forms and web pages of the web site.

But I didn't copy the securityimage module folder as a sub folder of the minaweb folder, but in the modules folder.


I configured the settings and you can view screenshots of it at this web address:


Re: SecurityImage not functioning properly
  • 2006/10/26 21:16

  • boumbo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

I downloaded the module 1.0 and class 1.6 directly from this page:


Im sorry DuGris, Im not sure what you mean by the hack code.

Si tu veux tu peux m'ecrire en francais, je suis parfaitement bilingue.

Re: SecurityImage not functioning properly
  • 2006/10/26 20:55

  • boumbo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Im sorry im not sure where I have to go to get my XOOPS version, is it in the xoops_version.php file situated in my root folder?

Re: SecurityImage not functioning properly
  • 2006/10/26 20:06

  • boumbo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Forgot to include some info:

XOOPS Version: 2.11
Module Name/Version: SecurityImage/ver 1.0
PHP Version: php 5
MySQL Version: 5.0.21
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache
Operating System:
Theme you are using:
Custom template: (Yes/No) NO
PHP Debug Messages:
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: securityCode in file class/xoopsform/securityimage.php line 522
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: securityCode in file class/xoopsform/securityimage.php line 524

MySQL Debug Messages:
Smarty Debug Messages:
A full description of the issue:

See on TOP

I forgot to mention that there is also a problem with my images, they do not seem to be stored, I believe its the same reason. Its supposed to insert an image file in the cache but it doesn't and i did make the permission to 777 on the folders.

SecurityImage not functioning properly
  • 2006/10/26 19:34

  • boumbo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Hi Everyone,

I installed both the securityImage module 1.0 and securityimage class 1.6 offered by DuGris at(http://www.dugris.info/news-article.storyid-8.htm) and I made all the necessary changes that it advises to do. But I get an error which I don't know if anyone can figure it out:

Notice [PHP]: Undefined indexsecurityCode in file class/xoopsform/securityimage.php line 522
[PHP]: Undefined indexsecurityCode in file class/xoopsform/securityimage.php line 524

Would you know why this is happening?

Im glad someone actually come up with a new module for this, its a very efficient system and would do wonders for my company.

Please let me know if anyone can help me, as I tried reaching DuGris about it and he doesn't reply back.

Thank you.

Re: CAPTCHA hack for xoops comments?
  • 2006/9/25 15:23

  • boumbo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Hi Dugris,

I am presently trying to run a Captcha hack (xoops_2.0.13-hack_comments_securityimage) on my XOOPS website. But I can't find any help on how to install it.

Is there a tutorial anywhere online I can access on how to install this hack on all my XOOPS forms?

Thank you for your time.

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