Re: Need help identifying a module I've seen on someone's website
  • 2005/4/17 4:42

  • riomx

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  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


Thanks a lot ! I greatly appreciate it.

- Joe

Need help identifying a module I've seen on someone's website
  • 2005/4/17 0:59

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


I'm having trouble identifying a module that I saw on a website a while back.

I really wish I could remember the URL, because now I'm beating myself up trying to look for it everywhere.

The webmaster had vertical columns on his front page. In the center were multiple snippets of information arranged vertically, sort of like in a newspaper or magazine.

I can't remember where it was, only that it was the website of a themer.

If anyone can help me determine whether this is a module or simply just a creation of the webmaster, I'd greatly appreciate it.


- joe

Re: What Content Management Module is the most flexible ?
  • 2005/3/30 4:26

  • riomx

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  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


rolmar1 wrote:

Thanks for your comments.

Xt-conteudo: You need to use the "Menus and Submenus" block for it to show the submenus. This menu can be somewhat modified in the xtmenu.php file found in the blocks directory.

The readme has a fix for firefox compatibility.

Yeah, I tried the menus. Unfortunately, they don't look uniform enough and are a bit plain.

They work OK, but they just don't look very fluid.

Regarding the portugese, the module should include the spanish language files.

The use of a particular module is a personal choice based on needs and likes, I happen to like xt-conteudo and also use the TinyD's.

Que sitio estas desarrollando con XOOPS?

Es verdad que el Spaw esta en portugues, aunque este es muy similar al español, no le veo problema, tengo clietes que lo usan sin quejarse. Aunque lo mas apropiado es que traduzca estos. Enviame tu correo y te nevio los archivos una vez que los traduzca.


I'm building a site for the Laboratory of Space Geodesy and Remote Sensing at the Ohio State University.

I'm going to be leaving soon because I'm graduating, so I need to leave things simple for the next person that is going to be in charge of the website.

Unfortunately, the portuguese language isn't going to make it easier

- Joe

Re: What Content Management Module is the most flexible ?
  • 2005/3/29 10:23

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

On second thought, I may not keep XT-Conteudo

The author's English is very unclear and his instructions are hard to follow

Not only that, but he translated everything to Portuguese !

It makes it hard for other people to administer the website. I speak Spanish, so it's somewhat close, but still, it's a hassle

- Joe

Re: What Content Management Module is the most flexible ?
  • 2005/3/28 23:44

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

Hey thanks for help !

I'm going to try it out :0)

Gracias por las sugerencias y me gusta tu sitio.

Se muestra que trabajaste bien duro para construirlo, y es muy profesional.

Veo que el sitio es sobre Matamoros. Yo soy de Cuernavaca, Morelos

- Joe

Re: What Content Management Module is the most flexible ?
  • 2005/3/28 5:40

  • riomx

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  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

I tried using TinyContent and it worked out great for a bit, because I was able to just use the HTML from my existing pages, and insert it into the editor for it to generate the pages for me.

The problem with TinyContent is that I can't create entries under the submenus. As in:

- Top
----+ Entry page
-------+ Entry page
----+ Entry page
-------+ Entry page

Is TinyD capable of doing such ?


- Joe

What Content Management Module is the most flexible ?
  • 2005/3/28 3:27

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


I have an existing website I want to incorporate into my XOOPS site.

There are various modules out there like edito and iContent - can someone recommend the most flexible module that can take my HTML pages ?

I don't mind making them fit by editing the code, I just want something that can integrate them in the simplest way and make them easily navigable.

I ask because there seem to be a lot of them, and I would like some recommendations from people who are more familiar with them.


- Joe

Which content management module is best for handling HTML pages ?
  • 2005/3/27 9:49

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


I have an existing website I want to incorporate into my XOOPS site.

There are various modules out there like edito and iContent - can someone recommend the most flexible module that can take my HTML pages ?

I don't mind making them fit by editing the code, I just want something that can integrate them in the simplest way and make them easily navigable.


- Joe

Re: NewBB doesn't detect ImageMagick or Netpbm
  • 2005/3/25 9:39

  • riomx

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  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

Never mind. Earlier today I set the preferences to AUTO and it detected all installations

- joe

NewBB doesn't detect ImageMagick or Netpbm
  • 2005/3/25 2:20

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

Not sure why this is, but after installing NewBB 2.02 and going to the Index, I get this:

ImageMagicK: Not available
NetPBM: Not available
GD1 library: Not available
GD2 library: Autodetected: bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
Path for attachment storing: /usr/local/web/uploads/newbb/ ( Available )
Path for attached image thumbs: /usr/local/web/uploads/newbb/thumbs/ ( Available )

I know I have both installed.

I've set the paths according to where their files are located on my FreeBSD system

Any ideas ?

- Joe

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