C-JAY Reviews Beta 1: I made changes, save, but no effect ???
  • 2005/7/14 18:13

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

I install the C-JAY Reviews Beta 1, i go add categores, add rating categories with my names, BUT the rating categories names remain like they were something in german, i also go to preferences made some changes, save but there is no effect the settings remain same...
Please help ???

My review 2.1: Not showing rating bar, strange codes...
  • 2005/7/14 18:12

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

Well i made the categories and added a product to see how it is. I went to myreview from main menu where the actegories are, and there was the most recent product, that product and the review is fine, also it is showing the picture fine, but at the bottom it shows some strange codes and not the details bar with rating bar, also when i press to go to the product it shows the review without any code and without the rating bar...

This is what it shows under my every review

\n"; //Start with the Review Display //Do the overall rating Display first //$formatted_date = formatTimestamp($reviewtimestamp); $review = $myts->makeTareaData4Show($review,1); //$reviewuname = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($reviewuser); $resulttot=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT rating FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_votedata")." WHERE lid = $lid"); $totalraw=0; $totalint=0; $totaltotal=0; $totbar=0; $totalstuff=0; $q=0; while(list($total)=$xoopsDB->fetchRow($resulttot)) { $totalstuff+=$total; $q++; }//End while if ($q==0) { $totalraw=0; $totalint=1; } else { $totalraw=$totalstuff/$q; $totalint=intval($totalstuff/$q)+.5; }//End if if ($totalraw>$totalint) { $totaltotal=intval($totalraw)+1; } else { $totaltotal=intval($totalraw); }//End if $totbar=(($totaltotal/$myReviews_totrate)*$myReviews_categorybarwidth-15); $emptybar=$myReviews_categorybarwidth-15-$totbar; $fullmarks=0; if ($totaltotal==$myReviews_totrate) { $fullmarks=1; }//End if //Check if there has been any reviews to display if ($q>0) { echo ""; echo "
"; echo " "; //Logic to display the different review bar types if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==1)//Bars { echo " "; for ($e=1;$e<$myReviews_catnum+1;$e++) { $resultcat[$e]=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT rating FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_votecat")." WHERE lid=$lid AND ratingcat=$e"); $x=0; $tottotcatrate[$e]=0; $catstarbartot[$e]=0; while(list($totcatrate[$e])=$xoopsDB->fetchRow($resultcat[$e])) { $x++; $tottotcatrate[$e]+=$totcatrate[$e]; }//End while if ($x == 0) { $totalcatrateraw[$e]=0; $totalcatrateint[$e]=1; } else { $totalcatrateraw[$e]=$tottotcatrate[$e]/$x; $totalcatrateint[$e]=intval($tottotcatrate[$e]/$x)+.5; }//End if if ($totalcatrateraw[$e]>$totalcatrateint[$e]) { $catrate[$e]=intval($totalcatrateraw[$e])+1; } else { $catrate[$e]=intval($totalcatrateraw[$e]); }//End if $catbar[$e]=($catrate[$e]/$myReviews_maxrate)*$myReviews_categorybarwidth-15; $catemptybar[$e]=$myReviews_categorybarwidth-15-$catbar[$e]; $catstarbartot[$e]=round((($catrate[$e]/($myReviews_maxrate/10))),0); $catfullmarks[$e]=0; if ($catrate[$e]==$myReviews_maxrate) { $catfullmarks[$e]=1; }//End if $tottotcatrate[$e]=0; }//End for //Now Display the Category Reviews for ($e=1;$e<$myReviews_catnum+1;$e++) { if ($catrate[$e] != 0) { echo ""; //Logic to display the different review bar types if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==1)//Bars { echo " "; $catrate[$e]=0; $catbar[$e]=0; }//End if }//End for echo "
"._MD_AVERAGE.": (1) ($myReviews_totrate)
"._MD_TOTNAME_TITLE.": "._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $rating"; }//End if if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==2)//Stars { $starbartot=round((($totaltotal/($myReviews_totrate/10))),0); switch ($starbartot) { default: $starbar='stars_0.gif'; break; case 1: $starbar='stars_0_5.gif'; break; case 2: $starbar='stars_1.gif'; break; case 3: $starbar='stars_1_5.gif'; break; case 4: $starbar='stars_2.gif'; break; case 5: $starbar='stars_2_5.gif'; break; case 6: $starbar='stars_3.gif'; break; case 7: $starbar='stars_3_5.gif'; break; case 8: $starbar='stars_4.gif'; break; case 9: $starbar='stars_4_5.gif'; break; case 10: $starbar='stars_5.gif'; break; }//End switch echo " "._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"; }//End if if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==3)//Full Bars { if ($fullmarks) { $totbar+=6; echo " "._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $rating"; } else { echo " "._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $rating"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $rating"; } }//End if echo " $rating
$myReviews_catname[$e]: $myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]"; }//End if if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==2)//Stars { switch ($catstarbartot[$e]) { default: $catstarbar='stars_0.gif'; break; case 1: $catstarbar='stars_0_5.gif'; break; case 2: $catstarbar='stars_1.gif'; break; case 3: $catstarbar='stars_1_5.gif'; break; case 4: $catstarbar='stars_2.gif'; break; case 5: $catstarbar='stars_2_5.gif'; break; case 6: $catstarbar='stars_3.gif'; break; case 7: $catstarbar='stars_3_5.gif'; break; case 8: $catstarbar='stars_4.gif'; break; case 9: $catstarbar='stars_4_5.gif'; break; case 10: $catstarbar='stars_5.gif'; break; }//End switch echo " $myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]"; }//End if if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==3)//Full Bars { if ($catfullmarks[$e]) { $catbar[$e]+=6; echo " $myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]"; } else { echo " $myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]"; }//End if }//End if echo " $catrate[$e]
"; echo " "; //echo ""; echo "
" ._MD_DATE." $datetime
"._MD_DESCRIPTION." : $description
"; echo "
"; } else //There was no ratings done so far { echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo " "; //echo ""; echo "
" ._MD_DATE." $datetime
"._MD_DESCRIPTION." : $description
"; echo "
"; }//End if echo "
"; $q=0; echo "
"; //echo ""._MD_BACKSTEP.""; //echo " | "._MD_READEXCERPT.""; //echo " | "._MD_RATETHISFILE.""; $result300=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_reviews")." WHERE lid=$lid"); list($reviewuserDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result300); $result350=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_editorials")." WHERE lid=$lid"); list($editorialuserDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result350); if ($reviewuserDB || $editorialuserDB) { echo ""._MD_DETAILS." | "; }//End if // echo ""._MD_DETAILS." | "; // echo ""._MD_RATETHISFILE.""; echo ""._MD_TELLAFRIEND." | "; global $xoopsUser; if ($xoopsUser) { $submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); $result240=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT submitter FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_downloads")." WHERE lid=$lid AND submitter=$submitter"); list($submitterDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result240); if ($submitterDB) { echo ""._MD_REVIEWEDIT." | "; } else { }//End if }//End if if ( $xoopsUser ) { //$submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); if ( $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->mid()) ) { $result3000=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_editorials")." WHERE lid=$lid AND editorialuser=$submitter"); list($editorialuserDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result3000); if ($editorialuserDB) { echo ""._MD_EDITORIALEDIT." | "; } else { echo ""._MD_EDITORIAL." | "; }//End if echo ""._MD_EDIT." | "; //echo " | "._MD_VSCOMMENTS.""; }//End if }//End if if ( $xoopsUser ) { //$submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); if ( $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->mid()) ) { $result3000=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT loveit, recommendit FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_downloads")." WHERE lid=$lid"); list($loveitDB, $recommenditDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result3000); if ($loveitDB==0) { echo ""._MD_LOVEIT." | "; } else { echo ""._MD_UNLOVEIT." | "; }//End if if ($recommenditDB==0) { echo ""._MD_RECOMMENDIT." | "; } else { echo ""._MD_UNRECOMMENDIT." | "; }//End if }//End if }//End if if ( $xoopsUser ) { $submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); $result3000=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_reviews")." WHERE lid=$lid AND reviewuser=$submitter"); list($editreviewDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result3000); //echo " | "._MD_EDIT.""; if ($editreviewDB) { echo ""._MD_REVIEWEDITIT." | "; } else { echo ""._MD_VSCOMMENTS." | "; }//End if }//End if echo ""._MD_REPORTBROKEN.""; echo "
"; //voting & comments stats if ($comments != 0) { if ($comments == 1) { $poststring = _MD_ONEPOST; } else { $poststring = sprintf(_MD_NUMPOSTS,$comments); } echo ""._MD_COMMENTSC."$poststring"; } echo "
" ?>

some of these codes have links...

C-JAY Reviews Beta 1: I made changes, save, but no effect ???
  • 2005/7/14 14:01

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

I install the C-JAY Reviews Beta 1, i go add categores, add rating categories with my names, BUT the rating categories names remain like they were something in german, i also go to preferences made some changes, save but there is no effect the settings remain same...
Please help ???

Re: My review 2.1: No showing rating bar, strange codes...
  • 2005/7/14 8:52

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

This is what it shows under my every review

\n"; //Start with the Review Display //Do the overall rating Display first //$formatted_date = formatTimestamp($reviewtimestamp); $review = $myts->makeTareaData4Show($review,1); //$reviewuname = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($reviewuser); $resulttot=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT rating FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_votedata")." WHERE lid = $lid"); $totalraw=0; $totalint=0; $totaltotal=0; $totbar=0; $totalstuff=0; $q=0; while(list($total)=$xoopsDB->fetchRow($resulttot)) { $totalstuff+=$total; $q++; }//End while if ($q==0) { $totalraw=0; $totalint=1; } else { $totalraw=$totalstuff/$q; $totalint=intval($totalstuff/$q)+.5; }//End if if ($totalraw>$totalint) { $totaltotal=intval($totalraw)+1; } else { $totaltotal=intval($totalraw); }//End if $totbar=(($totaltotal/$myReviews_totrate)*$myReviews_categorybarwidth-15); $emptybar=$myReviews_categorybarwidth-15-$totbar; $fullmarks=0; if ($totaltotal==$myReviews_totrate) { $fullmarks=1; }//End if //Check if there has been any reviews to display if ($q>0) { echo ""; echo "
"; echo " "; //Logic to display the different review bar types if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==1)//Bars { echo " "; for ($e=1;$e<$myReviews_catnum+1;$e++) { $resultcat[$e]=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT rating FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_votecat")." WHERE lid=$lid AND ratingcat=$e"); $x=0; $tottotcatrate[$e]=0; $catstarbartot[$e]=0; while(list($totcatrate[$e])=$xoopsDB->fetchRow($resultcat[$e])) { $x++; $tottotcatrate[$e]+=$totcatrate[$e]; }//End while if ($x == 0) { $totalcatrateraw[$e]=0; $totalcatrateint[$e]=1; } else { $totalcatrateraw[$e]=$tottotcatrate[$e]/$x; $totalcatrateint[$e]=intval($tottotcatrate[$e]/$x)+.5; }//End if if ($totalcatrateraw[$e]>$totalcatrateint[$e]) { $catrate[$e]=intval($totalcatrateraw[$e])+1; } else { $catrate[$e]=intval($totalcatrateraw[$e]); }//End if $catbar[$e]=($catrate[$e]/$myReviews_maxrate)*$myReviews_categorybarwidth-15; $catemptybar[$e]=$myReviews_categorybarwidth-15-$catbar[$e]; $catstarbartot[$e]=round((($catrate[$e]/($myReviews_maxrate/10))),0); $catfullmarks[$e]=0; if ($catrate[$e]==$myReviews_maxrate) { $catfullmarks[$e]=1; }//End if $tottotcatrate[$e]=0; }//End for //Now Display the Category Reviews for ($e=1;$e<$myReviews_catnum+1;$e++) { if ($catrate[$e] != 0) { echo ""; //Logic to display the different review bar types if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==1)//Bars { echo " "; $catrate[$e]=0; $catbar[$e]=0; }//End if }//End for echo "
"._MD_AVERAGE.": (1) ($myReviews_totrate)
"._MD_TOTNAME_TITLE.": "._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $rating"; }//End if if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==2)//Stars { $starbartot=round((($totaltotal/($myReviews_totrate/10))),0); switch ($starbartot) { default: $starbar='stars_0.gif'; break; case 1: $starbar='stars_0_5.gif'; break; case 2: $starbar='stars_1.gif'; break; case 3: $starbar='stars_1_5.gif'; break; case 4: $starbar='stars_2.gif'; break; case 5: $starbar='stars_2_5.gif'; break; case 6: $starbar='stars_3.gif'; break; case 7: $starbar='stars_3_5.gif'; break; case 8: $starbar='stars_4.gif'; break; case 9: $starbar='stars_4_5.gif'; break; case 10: $starbar='stars_5.gif'; break; }//End switch echo " "._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"; }//End if if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==3)//Full Bars { if ($fullmarks) { $totbar+=6; echo " "._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $rating"; } else { echo " "._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $rating"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $totaltotal"._MD_FEATURES_TITLE.": $rating"; } }//End if echo " $rating
$myReviews_catname[$e]: $myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]"; }//End if if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==2)//Stars { switch ($catstarbartot[$e]) { default: $catstarbar='stars_0.gif'; break; case 1: $catstarbar='stars_0_5.gif'; break; case 2: $catstarbar='stars_1.gif'; break; case 3: $catstarbar='stars_1_5.gif'; break; case 4: $catstarbar='stars_2.gif'; break; case 5: $catstarbar='stars_2_5.gif'; break; case 6: $catstarbar='stars_3.gif'; break; case 7: $catstarbar='stars_3_5.gif'; break; case 8: $catstarbar='stars_4.gif'; break; case 9: $catstarbar='stars_4_5.gif'; break; case 10: $catstarbar='stars_5.gif'; break; }//End switch echo " $myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]"; }//End if if ($myReviews_reviewbartype==3)//Full Bars { if ($catfullmarks[$e]) { $catbar[$e]+=6; echo " $myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]"; } else { echo " $myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]$myReviews_catname[$e]: $catrate[$e]"; }//End if }//End if echo " $catrate[$e]
"; echo " "; //echo ""; echo "
" ._MD_DATE." $datetime
"._MD_DESCRIPTION." : $description
"; echo "
"; } else //There was no ratings done so far { echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo " "; //echo ""; echo "
" ._MD_DATE." $datetime
"._MD_DESCRIPTION." : $description
"; echo "
"; }//End if echo "
"; $q=0; echo "
"; //echo ""._MD_BACKSTEP.""; //echo " | "._MD_READEXCERPT.""; //echo " | "._MD_RATETHISFILE.""; $result300=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_reviews")." WHERE lid=$lid"); list($reviewuserDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result300); $result350=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_editorials")." WHERE lid=$lid"); list($editorialuserDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result350); if ($reviewuserDB || $editorialuserDB) { echo ""._MD_DETAILS." | "; }//End if // echo ""._MD_DETAILS." | "; // echo ""._MD_RATETHISFILE.""; echo ""._MD_TELLAFRIEND." | "; global $xoopsUser; if ($xoopsUser) { $submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); $result240=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT submitter FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_downloads")." WHERE lid=$lid AND submitter=$submitter"); list($submitterDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result240); if ($submitterDB) { echo ""._MD_REVIEWEDIT." | "; } else { }//End if }//End if if ( $xoopsUser ) { //$submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); if ( $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->mid()) ) { $result3000=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_editorials")." WHERE lid=$lid AND editorialuser=$submitter"); list($editorialuserDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result3000); if ($editorialuserDB) { echo ""._MD_EDITORIALEDIT." | "; } else { echo ""._MD_EDITORIAL." | "; }//End if echo ""._MD_EDIT." | "; //echo " | "._MD_VSCOMMENTS.""; }//End if }//End if if ( $xoopsUser ) { //$submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); if ( $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->mid()) ) { $result3000=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT loveit, recommendit FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_downloads")." WHERE lid=$lid"); list($loveitDB, $recommenditDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result3000); if ($loveitDB==0) { echo ""._MD_LOVEIT." | "; } else { echo ""._MD_UNLOVEIT." | "; }//End if if ($recommenditDB==0) { echo ""._MD_RECOMMENDIT." | "; } else { echo ""._MD_UNRECOMMENDIT." | "; }//End if }//End if }//End if if ( $xoopsUser ) { $submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); $result3000=$xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_reviews")." WHERE lid=$lid AND reviewuser=$submitter"); list($editreviewDB) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result3000); //echo " | "._MD_EDIT.""; if ($editreviewDB) { echo ""._MD_REVIEWEDITIT." | "; } else { echo ""._MD_VSCOMMENTS." | "; }//End if }//End if echo ""._MD_REPORTBROKEN.""; echo "
"; //voting & comments stats if ($comments != 0) { if ($comments == 1) { $poststring = _MD_ONEPOST; } else { $poststring = sprintf(_MD_NUMPOSTS,$comments); } echo ""._MD_COMMENTSC."$poststring"; } echo "
" ?>

Re: My review 2.1: No showing rating bar, strange codes...
  • 2005/7/14 8:51

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

This is what i did
1. a made the categories
2. made a review
3. i did not now what does rating categorie do so i made it after made a review, but i can not find anywhere tha rating categorie thati made...

If anybody knows what is the problem please help me, or tell me the steps to made a review, i mean what categories to made forst, or tell me how to unistall it...

Re: My review 2.1: No showing rating bar, strange codes...
  • 2005/7/14 8:17

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

can anybody help me ???

My review 2.1: No showing rating bar, strange codes...
  • 2005/7/13 23:54

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

Well i made the categories and added a product to see how it is. I went to myreview from main menu where the actegories are, and there was the most recent product, that product and the review is fine, also it is showing the picture fine, but at the bottom it shows some strange codes and not the details bar with rating bar, also when i press to go to the product it shows the review without any code and without the rating bar...
Please help ???

Re: Module: news, how to show news at the index ?
  • 2005/7/13 19:37

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

i finally found it...

Module: news, how to show news at the index ?
  • 2005/7/13 19:15

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18

Well i have installed the module news, i have added categories and some news, but it only shows news in the main menu, how can i show the news that i write in center at index page ???

Re: Installing xoops 2.0.13 [Could not connect to the database server]
  • 2005/7/12 20:37

  • Stitch19

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 81

  • Since: 2004/12/18


Stitch19 wrote:
well i add:
Database [mysql]
Database Hostname [loacalhost]
Database Username [admin]
Database Password [********]
Database Name [Name_Dbase] i tryied with small as you asid
Table Prefix [xoops]
Use persistent connection? [no]
XOOPS Physical Path [it is the correct path]
XOOPS Virtual Path (URL) [it is also here the correct path]

so i write this go next and next when i finally reach the:

check database
Could not connect to the database server.

Please check the database server and its configuration.



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