Thanks, I managed to modify /form.article.elements.php so that I can see a select (I couldnt find any example of dropdown, but a select could work) by doing this:
// Source
$form_element["active"]["art_source"] = new XoopsFormText(art_constant("MD_SOURCE"), "art_source", 50, 255, $art_source);
$form_element["inactive"]["art_source"] = new XoopsFormHidden("art_source", $art_source);
// Source - reused as a select
$form_element["active"]["art_source"] = new XoopsFormSelect(art_constant("MD_SOURCE"), "art_source", 50, 3, $art_source);
$form_element["inactive"]["art_source"] = new XoopsFormHidden("art_source", $art_source);
Now, my problem is how do I 'populate' this select with my 3 options? I see places where it does a similar thing, but it pulls the content from somewhere else (or I dont understand it). I would need to define only 3 possible values, say A, B, C.