Re: Length of titles in News 1.2 module
  • 2004/9/2 12:32

  • hanif

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2004/7/12

Thanx redux.
Thats a good starting point.

Length of titles in News 1.2 module
  • 2004/9/2 11:30

  • hanif

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2004/7/12

Can anyone help me on this one.
The titles in the News module (1.2) only allow up to 84 characters (if I counted correctly ).

My titles are longer than that. Does anyone know how to increase the number of characters allowed in the news title?

Any help would be most appreciated.


Re: istats refferrer problem,
  • 2004/8/28 14:10

  • hanif

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2004/7/12

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is the correct spelling?

Re: News Title
  • 2004/8/28 13:43

  • hanif

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2004/7/12

Hi, sorry is there also a way to remove the time written next to the date of the article which also appears in the title line?

Any help appreciated.

Many thanx

Re: Problems with News 1.2
  • 2004/8/28 13:14

  • hanif

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2004/7/12

I am new to XOOPS but I've made a new site with it (version 2.0.7) called Iran Focus .

I also had the problem with the news which appeared on the homepage when you select it not to.

I have a question which would help me out a lot indeed if anyone could answer. In the news module I want to add a news article in two different categories at the same time. Is there a way of doing this. (The main reason for this is because if I copy and pase the original article as a new article in a different category, they will still both be shown in the front page since the module doesn't seem to be able to hide one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
By the way if anyone has time to check out the site, please let me know what you think.

Many thanx.

News Module 1.1 - 'Module does not exist' error - can not post
  • 2004/7/12 13:56

  • hanif

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2004/7/12

In XOOPS 2.0.7 I have installed the News Module (1.1). I have given permission rights to everyone. When people post news on the site, until that point it works fine and everyone can see the news. But when I as the administator edit it, and 'send it to top news', instead of the database updating itself, it gives an error message 'module does not exist' and then the page returns to the way it was originally.

Is there anyone out there who can help me?

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