xoops physical path and redirect problem with modules

I did a search on the site but could not find anything related to my problem. I believe certain modules do not function on my site due to a redirect. The modules include shoutbox, mediashow, and others.

The site resides at maxandcleo.net but uses a virtual path hotdogblog.com, which redirects to maxandcleo.net. Examples of the problmes include: text entries to shoutbox do not insert into the box, clicking on a mediashow link fails to initiate play of file, trying to delete a user from a group results in a blank page and no deletion, clicking on preview during a post results in no preview, clicking on date select box button in calendar module results in no date selection box popping up, etc.

Has anyone experienced these sorts of issues, and if so, is there a solution (aside from getting rid of the redirects)?

Thanks in advance for the help.


Re: Mediashow problem

i'm only just learning php, so it is difficult to follow how the module works, but i guess that the module writes something to video.txt. Can you send the format, and perhaps I can include the list of files manually. email: todd@toddherrold.com

Not sure i got the full meaning of your post but i think this is what you said, right?

thanks, again.

Re: Mediashow problem

thanks again. just relaunched the site to be more community rather than just single user. still working bugs out and designing. i appreciate your help. btw, i checked out your site and it's very well done.

i have the media folder and all subfolders and files chmod 777. i don't think that is the problem. i'm not sure about the video.txt file in the sql folder, though. when i open them, all 3 files are empty. i assume they are supposed to contain something, but they don't??? also, i noticed on your site that my drop down list doesn't show up like it should. mine only shows up the first 3 files and doesn't have the feature to scroll down the list.

also, does the module use a specific table in the database? i don't see a xoops_mediashow table or something similar like other modules have in the dbase.

some other apps do weird stuff on my site and i am trouble shooting . . examples:

1. shoutbox appears but text won't type in like normal
2. redirect to blank page when trying to delete a user from a group in the admin panel. user doesn't get deleted.
3. i couldn't get xtreme user guestbook to function, so i disabled it. . . . .

i'm new to xoops, but all in all it's working great.

Re: Mediashow problem

thanks for trying to check it out. i appreciate your time. for some reason, the application is not allowing anonymous and registered users to access it, even though i have it set to do so in the groups area of the admin panel. thanks for making me aware of that. it only allows access by registered users who I then specifically add to the webmaster group.

i've added you as a webmaster for the purposes of this issue, so if you would try to login again and check it out, i would be tremendously grateful.

Also, i have some funky behavior like this in a couple of other modules and wonder if these issues may have to do with the fact that I'm using a virtual path to get hotdogblog.com URLs to show when in fact the site resides at http://www.maxandcleo.net? What do you think?



Re: Mediashow problem

thanks for putting all the effort into mediashow. i think it is (going to be) a great solution for my site, but i can't get it to work. i have the similar problem of the videos not playing. currently, i have only .mpg files, which launch in Quicktime when i go to their URL directly. I have tried many of the suggested changes, but i can't get it to work. i would like the files to play in media player and don't understand why they don't.

any help is greatly appreciated.


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