Re: Classifieds Ads, Bug > Number of Cats & Permissions
  • 2009/7/8 0:52

  • iLuc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2009/6/6 0

Thank You Sailjapan,

I understand what it is, after research and reading.
is security for the server, which also reduces the number of queries.
I do not have access to php.ini

Locally, I find the php.ini.
so I just change it.

I find the info needed for queries.

I therefore believe that the solution. (My problem)

Will change the php.ini on my local server.
to increase the number of requests.

what I will therefore, to add more class and change the permissions.

And then, copy the database.

Thank you for your Help


Re: Classifieds Ads, Bug > Number of Cats & Permissions
  • 2009/7/7 20:45

  • iLuc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2009/6/6 0

Hello Ghia.

Thank you for your hospitality.

I look at you looking me advice.

'Suhosin' that means exactly? ( I am very bad at English. )

I'll watch, I certainly include myself.

Thank you for your help.


Classifieds Ads, Bug > Number of Cats & Permissions
  • 2009/7/6 23:18

  • iLuc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2009/6/6 0

Good evening,

I am new on the site. ( french User )
( I do not speak English very well )

My concern is with the module Classifieds 2.0 RC

I need to improve in my, and optimize.
- reduces the number of queries
- upgraded the template Ads
- separate pages index.php / vewads.php / vewcats.php ( to reduce the number of variables in the url. this for a better engine google )

--> See Here

Until it has it, no problem.

I continue to add categories.
And now I meet a very annoying that I can not solve.

arrive at a number of categories. (400)
in the Admin: can not go to the permissions page to set permissions.
---> page white

I try with the original version, and also with the module Catads. (Imports of categories)
The problem is there too.

I concluded that it is the number of categories, too high.
I delete to be sure. and it lies in the order

I also try to disable Protector. it makes no difference.
And no error message in Debug mode.

If anyone has a solution to give me hand,
it helps me a lot. I still have plenty of categories to add.
And, I'm blocked.

A time that this version will be developed.
I propose you to download. (Classifieds Light)

To see the improvement that I made: Here

Good evening,

And thank you in advance for your help.
( All my apologies for my English, not very well written. )

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