drop down menu for Profile module's Field Type.
  • 2011/2/4 0:54

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27


I try to add a field(field_A) which has more than 30 options, and I use "Select" as the Field Type. But there is a big problem when a user edit their profile or search a profile, the field_A is too long to display, it will be great if there is a "drop down menu" Field Type for conditions like this.

Anyone knows how to creat a "drop down menu" Field Type in module/Profile?


Check if user enter at least 1 keyword in modules\profile\search
  • 2011/2/3 22:02

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27


Is there any way to add a check to the profile search fields, and not allow a empty search.

Currently, if we leave the search fields of modules\profile as blank, the search result will return all of the users.

I mean users should at least enter one keyword in any one of those search fields, otherwise, it will popup a msg"Please enter keywords"( just like the default content search).


Re: Minimum keyword length for profile search fields ?!
  • 2011/2/2 21:34

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27

In the defualt seach.php line76, it checks if the query is empty.

if ($query == "") {
redirect_header("search.php", 1, _SR_PLZENTER);

But there is no check in modules\profile\seach.php, I just don't know which function can do this work.

Any hint will be great.


Re: Minimum keyword length for profile search fields ?!
  • 2011/2/2 18:39

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27

Actually, I mean users should at least enter one keyword in any one of those search fields, otherwise, it will popup a msg"Please enter keywords"( just like the default content search).

How to Validate if the profile search fields are empty?!
  • 2011/2/1 19:42

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27


Is there any way to add a check to the profile search fields, and not allow a empty search.

Currently, if we leave the search fields as blank, the search result will show all of the users.


Re: Fatal error at modules/profile/search.php
  • 2011/2/1 3:24

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27

I removes "|| $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->isAdmin()" from line 368 to make it works, but it's not the best solution to fix this bug related to function isAdmin().

Hoping to get a official solution soon.

Fatal error at modules/profile/search.php
  • 2011/2/1 3:05

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27


I got this error:Fatal error: "Call to a member function isAdmin() on a non-object in /home/modules/profile/search.php on line 368" when I access the profile/search function as Anonymous User.

If I login as a register user, there is no such error.

On a clean/first install xoops 2.5
Apache version 2.2.15
PHP version 5.2.13
MySQL version 5.0.91

Re: 2.5 user profile permissions
  • 2011/2/1 1:33

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27

Same here, after remove this line: loadModuleAdminMenu(5, ""); from ...modules\profile\admin\visibility.php

Can access visibility.php, but still get error:
Notice: Undefined variable: current in file /modules/system/class/gui.php line 128

Notice: Undefined index: in file /modules/system/class/menu.php line 139

How to hide the SelectMatchOption in User Profile Search?
  • 2011/1/30 5:18

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27


I want to to hide the SelectMatchOption in User Profile Search. I mean the drop-down-list
which contains "Starts with", "Ends with", and "Contains".

I checked some of the files of User Profile Module, it seems I need to modify the function XoopsFormSelectMatchOption() to hide the drop-down-list.

The @param int $size Number of rows. "1" makes a drop-down-list, I tried 0, but I still get a drop-down-list.

I just wanna know which Number can hide the option.


Where is the search field of User Profile?(not for admin)
  • 2011/1/30 0:59

  • gooloomoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2006/6/27


I just couldn't find the basic search field for User Profile, I know the advanced User Profile search is at /modules/profile/search.php.

I need the basic search field for User Profile module which should be the same as the default search in home page. But the default search doens't search in User Profile module.

I want any visitor of my site can just search a user by username. Please let me know where I can find it.


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