Re: Please remove my accounts.
  • 2007/12/13 17:52

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

also removal of every single 1 of my posts in both accounts should be removed also. thankyou

Please remove my accounts.
  • 2007/12/13 17:48

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

Please remove all my accounts from xoops.org

this account,

and my only other account which is m0nty

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/12/13 17:34

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

actually technically, the foundation is for supporting XOOPS, and as impressCMS is technically XOOPS, just not DJ's XOOPS, nobody breeched the foundations policy and statute, because impressCMS is still XOOPS for the time being. it just isn't XOOPS.org xoops.

on a legal standpoint, nobody did anything unjust. and that is not up for argument. morally i agree there is seen to be a conflict of interest, but not legally. anyway discussion closed.

the XOOPS Foundation *is* to be dissolved completely.

and before anybody asks anymore questions about money and whatever, WAIT FOR THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. this is the last post from me here, and you will not get anymore answers or responses from anyone relating to impressCMS on xoops.org *or* xoopsinfo unless it's a support issue. so it would be pointless to even ask. so please wait for the official announcement, dissolving a legally registered company is not an overnight task, I know you don't like me or a certain other number of people, but please be patient on this issue, your wishes will be done.

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 19:05

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

who's lied? and lied about what?

marco you're great at accusing people of lying, but not so great when it comes to backing up your claims.

one thing for sure is that you make us howl with laughter. put up or shut up. oh i forgot.. you won't do that because you can't.. your onl;y intention is to keep causing an argument.

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 17:52

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26


Well, I say... +1 for Mikhail.. What took him so long to invade your site and get a backup. Maybe he plans to make the private fourms public. You think?
I hope one of the people on the XI backup list was DJ. (it wasn't me)

wow, as an admin of a project on xoops.org i seriously now question your integrity even more with that statement.

so now not only does DJ allow Damaster who is known for abusing and misusing user accounts obtaining access through illegal hacking and also breeching a sites number 1 priority that is privacy of information.

but now another of xoops.org admins openly condones a hacking done maliciously of an open-source project, we'll remember that next time mikhail hacks xoops.org, and your best friend Giba's websites and projects. we all know now because we have heard it straight from the horses mouth.. Darcy approves of people maliciously hacking websites.

to the XOOPS community, is that the kind of admins you want on this site managing your project, people that advocate malicious hacking and abuse of privacy?

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 17:34

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26


Now, I respectfully request you provide the DPT with a copy of the contents of the private forum so they can continue with their business being fully informed of the off-site maneuvers. If it is, that most of the members already have such copy then they should also be dismissed from the DPT group.

i respectfully ask you to mind your own frakin business.

anything related to impressCMS is none of your business, neither is it the business of the DPT, so i respectfully decline your stupid request to disclose the icms forums to the DPT or anyone who is not a part of impressCMS.

impressCMS website has not been created yet, neither are we fully ready for opening either, what is being discussed in those forums are the plans and visions and other ideas/proposals. once we finally open the impress.org website, those forums will be moved from XI to impressCMS.org.

and as for giving back xoopsinfo to the community, let me remind you that you the community did not want xoopsinfo or xoopsaddons. but we went ahead and still developed and opened addons anyway, yes we did that for the community, but they were disregarded by the management and some of the community.. so giving back something that never belonged to xoops.org project seems a bit stupid doesn't it..

we are still supporting xoops, so we will continue to run xoopsinfo & xoopsaddons.

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 16:33

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

Though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays. - Sun Tzu

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 16:11

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

who cares BS, only you seem to care.

herko is free to support whatever open source project he likes, he is also free to do what the hell he likes with his own personal life aswell..

get over it, xoops.org is xoops.org, impresscms is impressCMS.

and to answer mambas question, impressCMS basecode is

but so far more improvements have been made, more additions have been made, more features have been added, more bugs have been fixed, and a security audit of the full sourcecode is being undertaken.

a cut off point? i can't say, because we are only at the beginning of development, so it could be 3 months it could be a year, it could be more.

but what does it matter? xoops-cube has been going longer & is still compatible with xoops.

open-source is about sharing ideas, pooling information and developing good code. XOOPS is GPL which means we can use code used in XOOPS in impresscms, likewise XOOPS can also use code that we develop for impressCMS. we will not prevent that, in fact once you take your heads out your asses, maybe 1 day XOOPS & impress can share their ideas willingly and discuss things amicably, after all that is what open source spirit is all about. But i don't see that happeninhg whilst you are so intent on causing grief and so gullible and ill-informed.

how many times have you said something Darcy, and then been proved wrong, either because you were so blatantly WRONG, or you were misinformed or just didn't have the facts only your BS opinions which you seem to portray as accurate and FACT.

can you not see that your actions are causing more grief to XOOPS than we are at moment. you confuse people with misinformation and incorrect advice, you should stick to doing the wiki instead of trying to be a tabloid journalist intent on finding a conspiracy.

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 15:54

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

as for your accusations and insinuations about xoopsinfo being closed for maintenance at around the same time.

i can confirm it was closed for maintenance for aprox 20 mins. I was the one that closed the site.

the reason for the closure was because Mikhail had hacked xoopsinfo, he had accessed admin, and utilised the installed XOOPS backup module to send a backup of XI to himself, and 2 other users.

2 users were also added to the webmaster group on xoopsinfo, Bluestocking was one of those users, and another user who so nicely and honestly contacted us to say that he had received a backup in a zip of the XI database, he also informed us that he had admin access when he knew he shouldn't have.

So whilst you question our integrity BS, i seriously question your honesty & integrity because we had not 1 single word from you telling us that someone had given you admin access on xoopsinfo, and it wasn't like you wouldn't have known you had access, because you were on the site quite a lot all through the day. it would have been nice to hear that from yourself. but nothing came from you, except more insinuations and accusations.

and yes it was mikhail because he was careless this time, he left a few logfiles and his IP address which was traced back to Brazil.

that is the reason xoopsinfo was closed the other day.

we are investigating how he gained access, and so far we think but we are not 100% sure as of yet that he may have gained entry via a vulnerability in CBB 3.x module in the search.php script. but again that is not confirmed entry point, although there is a vulnerability in CBB, which i believe Rodrigo is looking into.

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 15:45

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26


looked at the list when it had 13 members .. Herko was not listed at that time. After that time I spoke with Mamba, and he pointed out to me in email that the list had increased... Later I went to the list and it was 22 And Herko was listed as a project manager. I specifically noted that.

13 members? then 22?

there's only 16 now, there has never been 22 as far as i'm aware.. not in the impresscms project anyway, there may be/have been in the xmtd project group which was used initially under the name XOOPS reboot (not impresscms)

herko was never admin.

and i am not admin in the project either. i was and still am admin in the xmtd group though, but that is now defunct as we are using impresscms project.

please get your facts in order.

as for marcan, herko and david resigning?


it is not against any rule whatsoever for those people to want to help & support another project. the foundation is not supporting it with funding.

thew foundation is there to support xoops, but either way, as you so elequantly put it the other day along with BS, the Foundation does not exist in XOOPS anymore, that was your statement not mine or the foundations.

xoopsinfo is still supporting XOOPS, and it will also be supporting impressCMS. and there is absolutely nothing wrong with supporting both.

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