[XoopsTeam] rplima2004 - Core Development
  • 2007/6/10 18:05

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8

Hi all,

First I would like to forgive me for mine poor English, I am strengthening myself to better improve it and with this also my communication with all you.

My name is Rodrigo, I am Brazilian and work with XOOPS since 2004. In this period I already developed diverse sites for customers, some modules and several hacks in Core to adapt it to my necessities. Since that I started to work with XOOPS I participate of XOOPS Brasil community, where nowadays I am part of the team of support, the group of moderators of forums, the group of collaborators and also help in the group of administration of the site.

The majority of the modules that I developed I did not share for if dealing of modules extremely specific for use of my customers, but some I made question to share with the community, as the RW-Banner for management of advertisings in the site and another one for spreading of products of the Mercado Livre.

About the hacks, already made sets of ten, some very useful, others nor in such a way, but that with certainty they had very helped me to better know the functioning of XOOPS, of its structure and objects.
One that I liked very and that we use in the site of the XOOPS Brasil is the Security Password, that hinders that the users if register in the site using unsafe passwords. Another one hack that I find very important is what it makes possible the use of new areas of exhibition of blocks in the site. With it, XOOPS does not limit to the conventional areas (left, right, center-center, center-left, center-right, bottom-center-center, bottom-center-left and bottom-center-right), allowing that new areas are created through the administration of the site.
It also exists the clone blocks function, that already use has much time in my sites and that the code already existed in Core, however was commented and it gave errors, everything what I had that to make was correct it and use it, lol.

I know that I am not a very active member here in xoops.org, a little due to time lack, also due to difficulty to do not to say here my native language, but whenever possible I try to pass here and read on the new features and problems that occur in the world XOOPS to keep me brought up to date.

Already it is not of today that we in Brasil are working hard to make XOOPS to grow up and to improve each always. As it is of the knowledge of some, in middle of the last year we launch a Brazilian version of XOOPS, in the truth is the official version of XOOPS 2015 with some hacks and a package of modules and themes translated and tested with the version to facilitate the life of our users here. We are making this again with version 2016, however using the administration created for the team of the XOOPS Mexico (with some new features created for us) and also some improvements in the codes of XOOPS as image protection of emails posted in the site, hack of enclosed the safe password already for default and several other things.

So, I don’t go to prolongate more.

This is a piece of my history with XOOPS, waits that from this they can know me a little more.

I sincerely was very sad with the current situation of XOOPS, seeing many people really good abandoning the project and I would like to say that I was very happy in seeing that XOOPS finally is if raising again, that the staff is returning to the work and I honest would like to actively participate of this new day of XOOPS route to the top of the list of the CMS.

Therefore I would like to ask for you the support so that with my humble knowledge I can help the team of developers of CORE to improve each time more XOOPS.

A great hug to all and already thanks a lot for the support.


Meu nome é Rodrigo, sou brasileiro e trabalho com o XOOPS desde 2004. Neste período já desenvolvi diversos sites para clientes, alguns módulos e vários hacks no core para adaptá-lo as minhas necessidades. Desde que comecei a trabalhar com o XOOPS eu participo da comunidade XOOPS Brasil, onde hoje em dia faço parte da equipe de suporte, do grupo de moderadores dos fóruns, do grupo de colaboradores e ajudo também no grupo de administração do site.

A maioria dos módulos que desenvolvi não compartilhei por se tratarem de módulos extremamente específicos para uso dos meus clientes, mas alguns eu fiz questão de compartilhar com a comunidade, como o RW-Banner para gerenciamento de publicidades no site e outro para divulgação de produtos do Mercado Livre.

Quanto aos hacks, já fiz dezenas, alguns muito úteis, outros nem tanto, mas que com certeza me ajudaram muito a conhecer melhor o funcionamento do xoops, de sua estrutura e objetos.
Um que eu gostei muito e que usamos no site do XOOPS Brasil é o Security Password, que impede que os usuários se cadastrem no site usando senhas inseguras.
Outro hack que acho muito importante é o que possibilita o uso de novas áreas de exibição de blocos no site. Com ele, o XOOPS não se limita às áreas convencionais (esquerda, direita, centro-centro, centro-esquerda, centro-direita, baixo-centro-centro, baixo-centro-esquerda e baixo-centro-direita), permitindo que novas áreas sejam criadas através da administração do site.
Existe também a clonagem de blocos, que já uso há muito tempo em meus sites e que o código já existia no core, porém estava comentado e dava erros, tudo o que tive que fazer foi corrigi-lo e usá-lo, lol.

Sei que não sou um membro muito ativo aqui no xoops.org, um pouco devido à falta de tempo, também devido à dificuldade de não falarem por aqui meu idioma natal, mas sempre que possível tento passar por aqui e ler sobre as novidades e problemas que ocorrem no mundo XOOPS para me manter atualizado.

Já não é de hoje que nós aqui no Brasil estamos trabalhando duro para fazer o XOOPS crescer e melhorar cada vez mais. Como é do conhecimento de alguns, em meados do ano passado nós lançamos uma versão brasileira do xoops, na verdade é a versão oficial do XOOPS 2015 com alguns hacks e um pacote de módulos e temas traduzidos e testados com a versão para facilitar a vida de nossos usuários por aqui. Estamos novamente fazendo isto com a versão 2016, porém usando a administração criada pela equipe do XOOPS México (com várias novidades criadas por nós) e também várias melhorias nos códigos do XOOPS como proteção por imagem dos emails postados no site, hack da senha segura já incluso por padrão e várias outras coisas.

Bom, não vou me alongar mais.

Este é um pedaço de minha história com o xoops, espero que a partir disso possam me conhecer um pouco mais.

Eu sinceramente estava muito triste com a atual situação do xoops, vendo muitas pessoas realmente boas abandonando o projeto e gostaria de dizer que fiquei muito feliz em ver que o XOOPS finalmente está se levantando novamente, que o pessoal está retornando ao trabalho e eu honestamente gostaria de participar ativamente dessa nova jornada do XOOPS rumo ao topo da lista dos CMS.

Por isso eu gostaria de pedir aqui o apoio de vocês para que com meus humildes conhecimentos eu possa ajudar o time de desenvolvedores do CORE a melhorar cada vez mais o xoops.

É isso aí.

Um grande abraço a todos e desde já um muito obrigado pelo apoio.

Re: One more way to implementing block-specific design
  • 2007/4/20 2:50

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8


I have my way to put blocks in new positions on theme too.

In my way, you can create new areas of block through the admin area of xoops.

After create the new areas it's enough to go to blocks admin and set blocks to the new areas.

In the theme include the loop to get blocks in your position and voilá

If will be interest of you, below is a link for download of XOOPS core v2016 of with mine hack.




Re: Xoops banners
  • 2006/9/27 13:49

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8


by kuaguru on 2006/9/27 5:19:10

Hello guys, im pretty new to xoopand i want to know where
to change the position of <{$xoops_banner}> i want it more aligned to the right with the right menu

here the link to help understand, the banner is Hanumanjeans
Thai Merchants

thanks again

Hi kauguru.

Rw-Banner is a module to manage and display random banners in anywhere on the site.

You can show random banners in the theme, in templates, blocks and also in the texts of other modules that use bbcodes as news or cbb for example.

The only problem is that for the time being the module alone is translated into Portuguese, but until the end of this week the translation for the English already must be ready.

For bigger information about the module read this news on my site (translated for google).


Re: get the user id
  • 2006/9/27 3:01

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8


Saganxis wrote:
Well i think it will be easier to do

$uId = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');

Yes someone, of this skill certainly is simpler. I only showed an easy skill of he get all the data of the user. The two ways are correct depend alone on what it will be to make

Re: user id, can I get it?
  • 2006/9/25 12:10

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8

It depends on the page that you want to show this. If template will be that use of the skill that I post, if a page in php only of the skill that you post.

Make tests and any trouble post here again.


Re: How to force the users of ours site to use safe passwords?
  • 2006/9/24 22:58

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8

Ok, i received your email and as soon as possible i work in this.

Thank you.


Re: How to force the users of ours site to use safe passwords?
  • 2006/9/24 19:10

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8

I never tried implement captcha in xoops.

If you have a captcha code send to me that I try to place it in the register form together with hack of the safe password.

therplima at gmail dot com


Re: user id, can I get it?
  • 2006/9/24 19:07

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8

Yes nekro,

this code functions but what it wants it is exactly to get id of the user and with this code it already needs to have id in hands.


Re: user id, can I get it?
  • 2006/9/24 13:44

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8

Hi Shiroku,

To get the id of loged in user is simple.


#### Hack in the file header.php to send to theme.html informations about logged in user.
#### by TheRpLima
#### data: 05/09/2006
#### Usage Example:

#### <{if $user.name == ""}>

Hi <{$user.uname}>, your profile still was uncomplete, please click here to complete it.

#### <{/if}>

if ($xoopsUser){
foreach($xoopsUser->vars as $key=>$value){
$user[$key] = $value;
foreach($user as $key=>$value){
foreach($user[$key] as $key1=>$value1){
if ($key1 == 'value')
$user[$key] = $value1;

In the example above, i was send the information of logged in user to theme.hmtl. In your case, only substitute the $xoopsTpl->assign('user',$user); for the code to save the data in db. The $user variable is an array of user information like this.

[uid] => 1
[name] =>
[uname] => admin
[email] => admin@brinfo.com.br
[url] =>
[user_avatar] => blank.gif
[user_regdate] => 1158207394
[user_icq] =>
[user_from] =>
[user_sig] =>
[user_viewemail] => 1
[actkey] =>
[user_aim] =>
[user_yim] =>
[user_msnm] =>
[pass] => e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
[posts] => 0
[attachsig] => 0
[rank] => 7
[level] => 5
[theme] => xmbluext1
[timezone_offset] => 0.0
[last_login] => 1159106474
[umode] => thread
[uorder] => 0
[notify_method] => 1
[notify_mode] => 0
[user_occ] =>
[bio] =>
[user_intrest] =>
[user_mailok] => 0

I hope this help you.


Re: How to force the users of ours site to use safe passwords?
  • 2006/9/23 17:19

  • rplima2004

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2004/10/8

Hi guys,

I made some changes in the hack. Now its possible turn off the hack in the admin area, it is enough to define the level of security of the passwords as unsafe that hack does not appear more. The function what analyzes the quality of the passwords also changed, now its more elaborated. Not yet is the ideal, but already he is well next.

Please make download again and see the readme file (now in english too).

So, is this. Any troubles or suggestions please report me.


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