Re: Another article 1.0 question
  • 2007/7/8 18:46

  • patagon

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As for the last paragraph, I meant that the site didnt have the sucess I hope it eventually has (whihc in a way its good since parts of it, like this one, are not 100% ready yet). This is a vey important topic here now. unfortunately it seems people forget about these issues until something tragic happens (for example workers dying in illegal constructions, it happened not long ago). even if we are lucky and this doesnt happen, buenos aires is a very nice city that a lot of people seem to enjoy (there are more tourists than ever), and parts of it, including historic buildings and neighborhoods, are being lost forever in order to make a quick buck...

Re: Another article 1.0 question
  • 2007/7/8 18:35

  • patagon

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I just lost a long reply because of a time out

Anyway, what I wrote is that art_source is one of the fields of article. I guess its for showing the source of the article, but since I didnt use it, I replaced the language file to hold the contents of 'stauts'. based on phpbb advice on the other thread I changed it from a text field to a select box with the 3 options. that works, and the content of the field gets written to the database. the problem is that when I edit the article, even if it shows the select field as it should, once the edit is submitted this value (the selected option in the select field) is replaced by 'array'...so I can submit and everything works, but I cant edit, which is very important here, because users are suposed to edit their articles if they get a reply.

Re: article 1.0 email to a friend feature doesnt work?
  • 2007/7/8 17:39

  • patagon

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you are right, it works!! I guess I didnt use quotes, or maybe its the fact that I dont really know what I'm doing, just guessing and trying ;-P. Another problem fixed, thanks a lot

Re: article 1.0 email to a friend feature doesnt work?
  • 2007/7/8 17:20

  • patagon

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mmm...i tried that yesterday and it gave me an error...maybe because of the @? (I'm guessing here)

Re: Another article 1.0 question
  • 2007/7/8 17:07

  • patagon

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Thanks, at least its important to us you are right, its buenos aires, and we are basically non government organizations trying to protect some classical neighborhoods/buildings from dissapearing (basically by showing the irregularities on the contructions and providing a site for many organizations that have the same goal).

The javascript came as an option because I couldnt manage to do that with the php...it works when submitting, but for whatever the reason gets lost when editing...I figured I could use javascript to have a normal text box and limit its content, but it wasnt as easy as I figured, so I went back to trying to modify the php...no luck so far ;-P

Re: Another article 1.0 question
  • 2007/7/8 16:32

  • patagon

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Thanks, I'm going to explore that to see if I understand it...however I decided my other way of doing this (here) would be easier...

I noticed you speak spanish, so I can show you what it is. See here http://descontrol.org on the right it shows 'denuncias'. each of them has a 'status' (red and green button on the homepage), in order to do that I use one of the article fields, repurposed to show that. My problem is that I have to limit users to one of 3 predefined 'status'. Right now I do this mannually, but eventually there will be many of these, and users will have to auto-update them...

I managed to modify one of the fields to show a select box (with the 3 options) when they submit, but whenever they edit their submissions, this value changes to 'array'.

Re: article 1.0 email to a friend feature doesnt work?
  • 2007/7/8 16:22

  • patagon

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I filled everything in Preferences »» Mail Setup...when a registered user sends the email it comes as it should (from that username). However when not logged in, it still comes as an IP (which I dont mind showing, but it shouldnt be the sender field, because it may come as spam even if it isnt...)

Re: article 1.0 email to a friend feature doesnt work?
  • 2007/7/8 15:37

  • patagon

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Thanks Tobias! I completely overlooked that setting, I looked everywhere but there

That fixed the part of emails coming from my mail, which was the most important issue, since my mail had nothing to do with the site.

I still see the emails coming from an IP address (outlook shows an IP address, if you go to details it shows the right mail). This is not that important, but I fear users will consider it spam/never realize that IP is the site...its just not as user friendly as a name, but I can live with that for now.

thanks again

Re: article 1.0 - How to create dropdown
  • 2007/7/8 4:19

  • patagon

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I'm bringing this up again because it would solve my other 'article' problem.

to summarize: I managed to create a dropdown based on phpbb advice on this thread. This works when submitting an article, but for whatever the reason whenever I edit the posted article, the option dissapears and is replaced by 'array'...If I could edit and it works as when first submitting that would do it for me...

Another article 1.0 question
  • 2007/7/8 4:09

  • patagon

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Is there any way of customizing the article submit form? in form.article.config, I can set the elements that will show up in the aricle submit form, but I would need to customize the form itself (I want to add a little javascript in one of the fields). I dont see any template for the submit part, and I tried to track where the form gets written without luck...any help is appreciated.


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