Re: myAds/Classified ads/Modify Ad
  • 2004/9/21 17:28

  • ChadK

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I would make a list of the hacks I've done but I think instead I'll make a copy of my module on my site and strip out the cross-site posting feature from it and release it to you guys.

I do really need to get the text out of the module and into the language files before I do that though. And I would like to complete a hack that allows the admin to designate a category as allowing ads or not. I have a category that I don't want people to post ads in, I want them to use the sub-categories. To do this on my site I've just basically added some code right to the page to disallow posting in that category but I'd rather have that in a table and admin edittable.

Anyway, I'll zip it up and publish it for everyone shortly.

Re: Loading time
  • 2004/9/21 17:21

  • ChadK

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  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

It loads alright for me.. might want to be sure your blocks are using the cache (admin, blocks) Especially those that look at external resources like your weather, etc,.

Regular Maint module/system feature?
  • 2004/9/17 14:36

  • ChadK

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Re: Module problems
  • 2004/9/17 14:32

  • ChadK

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  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

well something's corrupt... I'd kill your XOOPS directory and try again from scratch.

Re: myAds/Classified ads/Modify Ad
  • 2004/9/17 14:26

  • ChadK

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  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

Well you wouldn't want my version... I have far too much hacking involved in it and you'd have to go in and edit all the hard-coded garbage I added to it.

I suppose I could clean it up, use the language files properly, make the "classified broadcast system" an optional feature to be enabled or not by the admin.

- I'm actually working on a variation of the "addanonces.php" page that would allow the admin to store the external sites where he wants the ads copied to in the database so it'd be easy to update. I have gotten the simple ones working but those that require "select" or "if" conditions on the data they send back are taking a bit more time to work out.
If the site simply uses 1 URL for ads and has 5 fields on it, no problem. If the site uses 1 url for "sale" and 1 for "wanted", that's a bit more troublesome and I have to work out how that can be done so the admin can easily maintain the listings. Also if the site requires you to select various categories such as "bird species" then what I've had to do is search the ad body they're posting for various keywords to try and determine the bird species. The trouble is, some sites have more ad categories than I do and breaking the ads down into those finer levels of categories is a logic problem I haven't addressed yet.

So yes, there is a "Chad" version but it's nowhere near ready to even start a project on yet. I want more progress before I release any of it.
I've almost re-written the entire thing so I may not even call it myAds (though I'll still give the author credit for the original of course).

Re: Web Hosting module
  • 2004/9/17 14:17

  • ChadK

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Thanks Eric.. to you and anyone else who'd like to help out with this. Post a message or something on the dev.xoops site so I can add you to the developers list.
I've taken on more than I can chew in adding various projects to my plate lately so I will need some assistance with this one.

Re: myAds/Classified ads/Modify Ad
  • 2004/9/15 19:42

  • ChadK

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  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

nah it works guys, I just had the guest access shut down and evidently the warning redirect doesn't work for myAds.. no suprise, lots of crap doesn't work.

Re: Web Hosting module
  • 2004/9/15 19:26

  • ChadK

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haha well if you downloaded MY version of the mod, then no, you did it all right. That's all it does right now. I haven't completed any of the guts on the mod yet. ;)
The other version of the mod, really the file version, has some guts in it and that's the one I run at http://www.aviary.info/modules/hostingplans/

The version called xPay that's currently up on dev.xoops is an early Alpha, mostly for coders and such to see where I'm going and to give me feedback. That's what you see installed here:

Re: Web-News module -- working.
  • 2004/9/10 22:07

  • ChadK

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Oh, what the hell.. if you want to see it working on a XOOPS site go here:


Web-News module -- working.
  • 2004/9/10 21:57

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

I've taken Terence Yim's Web-News module at http://web-news.sourceforge.net and made it into a XOOPS module.


Web-News Module

(this link to download is temporary until my webnews project on dev.xoops is approved).

What this allows you to do is display the contents from the NNTP newsgroups on your website.
It looks like this except it's in your XOOPS portal and not all by itself. :) I'd tell you to come look at my site for an example but my nntp account only has 3 active connections and I don't want you buggers maxing it out! haha :)

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