Re:Experiences with Surpass hosting???
  • 2004/10/28 1:40

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

We apologize for any slowdowns anyone may have experienced, but with shared servers it is inevitable. It is not a completely perfect environment due to the different types of sites and the activities performed. We do move sites to different servers as we see any issues reported and evaluate site activity on the server (CPU and memory usage logs). I guess you could call it internal server organization. :)

We immediately check out any problems reported at our helpdesk and resolve them as quickly as possible to retain normal server load. A server can go weeks or even months without any bumps, and one unfortunate day a script can get caught in a loop, or there is MySQL abuse. We have quite a lot of shared servers, and once in a while something is going to come up. We certainly would rather it not as it hurts our customers and us, but we can't put 3 sites on each server. ;)

You can post in our forum, surmunity.com 'Attn Teq' if you have further questions about your account or the server that you are on. I would be happy to help and see if there is anything I can do to improve your service.

Our network uptime has been 100% for the past two months. Any downtime is server downtime: related to one server and an issue with an account on that server.


Re: 50free.com
  • 2004/8/21 13:50

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

Your site doesn't load for me.


Re: Free month of hosting for xoops forum members at Surpass Hosting
  • 2004/7/1 3:26

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

This offer still stands. :)
Be sure to email payments@surpasshosting.com if you did not receive your month or if you are new and need your free month. :) Simple!


Re: Free month of hosting for xoops forum members at Surpass Hosting
  • 2004/5/30 23:40

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

A few customers (a FEW) have finally asked for their credits.

Other news:
We are developing a small XOOPS area to put a few tutorials in and other info.. the idea was inspired by some recent site design changes and a little bit of creative graphic work that occured around 3 A.M.

You'd have to visit our forum and go to the News section to see what's in the works.

Re: Free month of hosting for xoops forum members at Surpass Hosting
  • 2004/5/23 6:57

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

That is just what I meant, no one is asking.
The XOOPS group is certainly a special one.

Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/22 20:20

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

by asche (the thread starter)
I must apologize to surpass and hostdime,


by Big_Bro
people work hard for their livelyhoods

On those notes, I request that this topic please be closed. Thank you all.

Now back to regularly scheduled hmm... regularly occuring XOOPS activity...


Re: Free month of hosting for xoops forum members at Surpass Hosting
  • 2004/5/21 18:50

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

A reminder to those who recently signed up with us: only a few of you emailed us about the free month. We need to know who the XOOPS users are, so please let us know so we can spend time on helping customers rather than searching for recently installed copies of XOOPS as hints


Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/21 18:33

  • surpass

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

"First I want to express my happiness, that strong providers are beginning to look for partnerships with the xoops-community. This might help to fulfill the technical requirements for running a xoops-site and also saves newbies a lot of time while looking for a good host."
/End Quote

We did not seek out to form a partnership here. We do not have a partnership (if we did, no one told us :)). This good fortune found us. Many XOOPS users recently started hosting with Surpass, because as was stated we are a "strong provider". As time went on, we noticed the trend and decided to give back by offering the free month of service. Not many have even emailed us asking about it, we are going to have to sneak the months in. Shortly after that announcement, we really started noticing how great of a tool XOOPS is, so we contributed to its development and probably will again more times the future. Now as the good comments come rolling in about us, the sunshine gets blocked by a cloud.. it is expected but this is basically what we have to say:

The fact that our company is partnered with another only means we have a large hold on the market, because we have the facilities and the stablity to do so.

So far I don't see a need to rate providers based on their company structure. We have only heard good things about Surpass Hosting.
End Quote/

We will continue to provide the best services and the lowest prices that we can, and if anyone doesn't want to host with us because we are partners with other companies (which is the only reason we have our own data center to operate out of, growth powered by growth) then that is fine. The best hosting company for one person, isn't the best for another. We don't expect to host every site in this world, but we can try. All that we expect and hope to achieve is that each client that signs up with us, stays with us for the lifetime of their business or their project, because they realize how much we care. We have had growing pains and therefore, we have grown. The end goal for everyone is just simply, a good service that everyone is welcome to try, and hopefully it will be perfect for them and their needs.

Thanks for listening.

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