Re: NewBB 5.0 is in development
  • 2018/3/26 12:56

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Thanks Mamba,

I will start testing with 4.33 on 2.5.9 for now and report any issue found. Also please note that changelog.txt still do not mention about 2.5.9 (only 2.5.8 is shown).

If I get it correctly there is no functionality differences or major structural changes between 4.33 and 5 but only bug fixes and port to PHP 7?

I am asking because I am working on moving our old forum from 2.5.0 which is running a quite old version of NewBB to either 4.33 or 5 depending on if there is no drastic change in the way it works.

Re: NewBB 5.0 is in development
  • 2018/3/24 18:22

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Hi guys,

Can you please confirm that there is no NewBB module available at the moment for XOOPS 2.5.9 aside 5.0 which is still in Dev?

Also as far as I can see the latest NewBB is 4.33 RC 13 which would work for 2.5.8 and not tested/approved for 2.5.9?

Can you please confirm if my above assumptions are correct?

Re: What is the best method to handle patching
  • 2016/1/28 13:53

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

didn't know that, will give it a try. thanks

Re: What is the best method to handle patching
  • 2016/1/26 20:18

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16


I get the idea, and didn't think of it. Can't use winmerge 2 as I am working under Linux but could use diff or rsync on command line or some other flavor if those in GUI.

What is the best method to handle patching
  • 2016/1/26 16:06

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Hi guys,

Not really a XOOPS specific question but most likely looking for advises in patching.

At the moment I am fine-tuning my web site and I end up modifying loads of file offline mainly from xbootstrap theme and newbb module. So what I do is that I run a find command on my Linux test server looking for all files modified recently and assemble all those file into a gz archive. Then I just upload the patch file to the public server.

I there any other way of doing this? What method are you using for controlling patching? I had a look into git but find it a bit scary.

Re: Hilight current module in main page nav-bar
  • 2015/12/21 17:17

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Following Bleekk lead and some search on internet I came to use php fuction strripos as follow

{if (!strripos($xoops_requesturi, '/modules/newbb') === false)}>active<{/if}

Seem to be doing the job fine...

Re: Hilight current module in main page nav-bar
  • 2015/12/15 9:03

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

As a side note the "*/" after "Thanks again" above has been added by XOOPS and I can't seem to be able to get rid of it.

Re: Hilight current module in main page nav-bar
  • 2015/12/15 8:53

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16


I will have a look to the module but one of the reason that I don't like modules is that you run into issues when you want to upgrade and that module is not upgraded to new version.

I understand what you are doing in your first example and I will test if it understand wilcard like this

{ if $xoops_requesturi  == "/modules/news/*"}

my aim would be to try to match anything that has /modules/news/ in it.

I don't understand your second example because don't know what "smartfactory" is but I will test it also.

Thanks again*/

Re: Hilight current module in main page nav-bar
  • 2015/12/14 22:55

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

I see what you mean, there is no reference of the array in my nav-bar.

I am a bit reluctant to use a module for this as I want to keep my website as simple as possible (not too many modules)

Do you think it would be feasible to implement this using regular expression on the URL?

Something like this;

if the current URL contains "{$xoops_url}>/modules/newbb" then highlight the menu newbb.

I would do this for each module in my nav-bar. I am assuming there that a module URL allways start with {$xoops_url}>/modules/ follwed by the module name.

Hilight current module in main page nav-bar
  • 2015/12/14 21:10

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

I am trying to implement the nav-bar so that it knows what module is on and highlight it. I figured out that the best place to start was in system_block_mainmenu.html since it seem to do it well for the “Main Menu” block.

I have notice that
<li class="<{if !$block.nothome}>active<{/if}>">
is used for Home and
<li class="<{if $module.highlight}>active<{/if}>">
is used for the other modules.

When I tried to appy this to the nav-bar (themes/xbootstrap/tpl/nav-menu.html) I didn’t quite get the results expected
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
ul class="nav navbar-nav">
li class="<{if !$block.nothome}>active<{/if}>">
a href="<{$xoops_url}>">
span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home">span> <{$smarty.const.THEME_HOME}>

li class="<{if $module.highlight}>active<{/if}>">
a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/newbb">
span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn">span> <{$smarty.const.THEME_MODULE3}>
li class="<{if $module.highlight}>active<{/if}>">
a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/contact">
span class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone">span> <{$smarty.const.THEME_MODULE4}>

When I click on the forum (NewBB) all the button in the nav-bar get highlighted (including home). It is only when I clik on Home that only Home is highlighted. Any idea what is the issue?

Also I was trying to print out what value $block.nothome and $module.highlight had. nothome displays nothing while highlight displays nothing or the value 1.

The folks at http://ocaholic.ch have managed to implement this, I wonder how.

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