turning the news module into a messageboard?
  • 2005/4/20 10:02

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

I think this might be possible! why you might ask? well i'm not a super php coder but i can see that with some template adaptation and theme layout changes you might be able to convert the news module into a message board type format seen in such top community sites such as:
http://www.b3ta.com/board/ and http://www.4rthur.com/board/

Now i'm not spamming these sites but they are two examples of sites that do this type of message board.

The only thing i think might be hard is to make the replies to messages (news items in XOOPS news) allways appear after the message (news item) and for it to be flat and threaded.

is this possible or am i just dreaming.
This would make a great module hack if it was (and if the last bit is possible then i'm guna try to do it)

Re: Modules - failed open fileModule data updated
  • 2005/2/18 13:14

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

thanks for that
after doing a search for this problem this fixed an error that was stopping me set up a module i had installed
Myalbum-p woulding installed a admin menu option.
I had recent,ly moved from one server to another and the script they used didnt copy all the permissions across.
i got this error Unable to write to main menu and that fixed it good

Re: news module topicalign question
  • 2005/1/21 11:52

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

thank you thank you thank you thank you !
not only is that exactly what i wanted but also goes some way to giving me an insight into doing stuff in sql.

you sir are a star! :)

news module topicalign question
  • 2005/1/21 10:41

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

I have previously had the news item icons aligned to the right on all stories (but not actually with any icons) and now wish to have the icons but aligned to the left.

Is there any simple way of making this so accross the board on all stories rather than having to edit them all by hand?
Its for over 200 stories so would take for ever

I have looked at just running a command on the sql and got as far as this command '`topicalign`SELECT * FROM `xoops_stories` WHERE' but dont really know it and don't want to bork it all up.

This would seem the quickest way to change from 'R' to 'L' and would appreciate it if anyone knew how to do this.


Re: ooops i deleted my database
  • 2004/11/17 9:53

  • hal9000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

YAY i managed to get my database back from the hosts and its only missing a few days!
I have recreated the DB user and pwd but importing the sql seems to take ages. its a 2.5 meg .sql file.
I just created a new database with the correct name and waited for the upload (sql dump) to work itself out and it all seems fine!!!!

oh and cos i just needed the sql backups they didnt charge me..

Is there a simple way of backing up the db say on a weekly basis myself other than via MySQL admin?

ooops i deleted my database
  • 2004/11/16 14:43

  • hal9000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

i have had my XOOPS site for over a year and a half now and somehow while cleaning up some redundant old databases i managed to remove my long running database.
other than the usual beg the host to gimmie tha backup (which they might have) is there anything else i can do...

yours - a bit miffed

Re: setting up a xoops localhost server on osx
  • 2004/11/12 12:22

  • hal9000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

cheers i did search the googlenet but musta missed that one
macs come with apache installed but i was having trouble finding a simple setup for php and mysql... that site looks pretty dam good
thanks for your help in goolging :)

setting up a xoops localhost server on osx
  • 2004/11/12 12:10

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

i want to do some dev work on my ibook and am running osx (whatever the latest update is) and i'd like to know if anyone has any hints on how to setup a localhost type server that can run xoops.
i've heard that it comes with a webserver built in but have never been bothereed until now to work out how to use it.

i normally use wmserver tools 3.1 on the pc which works great.
is there anything like that for osx?


Re:using a custom ttf in a xoops theme
  • 2004/10/11 16:12

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

that'll be the one then :)
i'll check it when i get home from work... tah muchly

Re: using a custom ttf in a xoops theme
  • 2004/10/11 15:56

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

i had seen something before where you convert a ttf into something else but it all looked long winded
i just wondered if somebody else has had any suscess.

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