Re: SMTP errors

fixed...oddly ......assigned a new login an pwrd for smtp auth.....and it worked like a charm.....(no clue why) but it works...(yeah)

SMTP errors

I upgraded from the ole 2.0.16 version to the new 2.3.1 ((I love it)) But, I discovered that it will send email any longer. I use the auth_smtp and it is not working.

I double an triple checked all my settings an passwords ET AL......it just says ......SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
Could not send mail to blah blah blah.

I know it is not the mail service. As I can send an receive emails via my client.

Any suggestions would be WONDERFUL!!!!


XMLweather not working

I finally decided to update my XOOPS from 2.0.16 to the new version. (YEAH) I love it. But, I have one module out of all the ones I use - that just will not display any content data, except the basic page layout. I am running the 1.5 version of XMLweather ....I searched the forums (nothing) I uninstalled the module and re-installed it. (nothing)

So does anyone have any ideas or suggestion?

Lost in a Sea of Modules

Truly I am lost - I have looked through every module I have accumulated over the years(tons) along with everything in the repository and tons of searches across the great web....An I am now lost in the search of a module that simply lists the contents of a directory....I have a primitive script currently ....but need a XOOPS module for integrating purposes. ie search, browsing viewing said files...(there are just to many files to submit as a link...((2 gigs worth))...I know there was something many many moons ago....but alas I cannot find nor remember it....Does anyone recall or know a module ((even a beta with security holes)) I will fix it......

mycroft :)

ps- I hope this is the right forum...


Been using XOOPS since the beginning times. And have used it on all my sites......The one thing all users seem to ask me nowadays. Can I use my phone to check posts, reply to forums, download etc.....I unfortunately always have to say no.... There was a pseudo module quite a time ago......and then haw haw.....but no real interaction with XOOPS was available.....So for XOOPS to be MOBILE compatible would be a GIANT leap for Xoops.

So my suggestion - A CORE update/fix/rewrite or module that makes XOOPS mobile.

It is after all the way of the future - Oops the future is already here.....

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