Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion
  • 2012/11/27 14:10

  • bumciach

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  • Since: 2007/6/25


irmtfan wrote:
In one sentence I repeat: That log/history module should be totally functional.

Did you think module like that can also store serialized state of XoopsObject? First, when $xoopsobject->get() and second after submit add/edit form when $xoopsobject->insert(). And make diff between old and new state of the object. It should be easy making history what data was changing on any individual record.
I thought of develop that module for a long time (something similar to XBS Logger). But have never started to do it.

Re: Latest Publisher module?
  • 2012/11/27 11:01

  • bumciach

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  • Since: 2007/6/25


trabis wrote:

Great! I've made a class based on that script and it works perfectly!

I'm glad that my post was useful :)

Although I agree with irmtfan that highlighting (and a few others like breadcrumbs) should be provided by the core. But extract highlighting script to a separate class is a step forward.

By the way. Will translations be done on Transifex (any plans?) or I should commit on xoops svn my own translation when I have done?

Re: Latest Publisher module?
  • 2012/11/24 20:38

  • bumciach

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  • Since: 2007/6/25

Good to know. I play with Publisher from a few days. And it seems that it fits my needs very well (comparing other news/article modules and not too complicated). it would be a pity if it was abandoned project.
So I/m looking for bugs and I will report it. And maybe some improvement. E.g. highlighting keywords in search can break links. To prevent this I use in my projects this script with good results:
And it is easy to implement for the Publisher (which actually I have done on my test server already).

Re: News module - edit posts by group
  • 2012/11/22 10:32

  • bumciach

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  • Posts: 153

  • Since: 2007/6/25

Thanks for answers!

Adding module admin rights is not an option for some users.

It seems that Publisher fits my requirements. There I can set for a group of users permissions to moderate categories. But I had received access denied message when I tried edit someone else post in that category until I checked the "User article edit? Allow users to edit their own articles?" option in preferences. This description makes confused. But it works.

But I noticed that the option "Auto approve submitted articles?" does not work (and so all new post has to be approved by admin). I need to check it deeper, but that's another topic I think.

News module - edit posts by group
  • 2012/11/21 10:23

  • bumciach

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Post can be edited only by poster or admins. I need to make group work a few posts. You can not do that in the News module or maybe I missed something? Or maybe is there a similar module that does this?

Re: Possible bug in textsanitizer in xoops 2.5.5 (maybe in previous versions too)
  • 2012/8/24 12:17

  • bumciach

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but more importantly i need to know if we need that CaricFoto in 2.6.0?
IMO core team can remove this feature totally

I agree. IMO CaricaFoto brings a little outdated way to creating pop-up windows.
There are more unobstructive methods to do such things nowadays.

Is there option in tinymce for personal or module-dependent configs?
  • 2012/8/23 9:40

  • bumciach

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If I remember correctly fckeditor able to add their own configuration for different modules by adding 'config.module-dirname.js" files. Is similar functionality can be found in tinymce? I have not found it, but maybe I missed something.
It would also protect against accidental overwriting custom configuration when updating or sth.

Re: DB Optimization Competition with Prizes
  • 2012/6/15 11:32

  • bumciach

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Two things.
One thing is to optimize the database (schemas, table structures, indexes, etc.).
Another, how core and modules use of these tables in the database.
So the subject 'DB Optimization' is ambiguous.

From what I remember xoopsObject not support joining more than two tables (getByLink method). So many modules increase the number of queries. Maybe later I will put some examples.

Certainly the use PDO facilitate this task. I think that the introduction of PDO should be transparent to the modules. Just some modules will use the old way and others will use the extra features with PDO.

Re: Not a problem, but a need of clarifications concerning Groups
  • 2012/3/23 10:03

  • bumciach

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redheadedrod wrote:
I will be looking at making some upgrades to the groups in the near future so I am curious if there is anything specifically that would be desired.


I develop company intranet site. It's with 200-250 users. It's not so much. However, have created almost 60 groups to meet many specific modules and specific demands. Ones for users in selected professional positions, another for a whole departments and some for mix both. So Group Manager module is helpful. (Standard permissions form can produce hundreds of checkboxes in certain cases, so it stops working... but XoopsGroupPermForm it's another topic).
Well, it will be nice to see grouping groups like phpGACL library. But probably something like that would be too complicated and unnecessary for the vast majority of use cases.

Re: Issue with icon used in browser
  • 2012/2/29 12:29

  • bumciach

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  • Posts: 153

  • Since: 2007/6/25

So in path: themes\suico\icons there are also favicon files (.ico, .png) you have to replace. Clear caches, restart browser (eg IE sometimes does not immediately refresh a favicon) etc.

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