Some questions on V2.2.3

Hi I have some questions about version 2.2.3 if anyone could please answer them for me it would be great.

1. Is there a Remember Me option for Login?

2. Is there a tutorial on how to install themes?

3. Is there a logging option that i could put into place to log changes I make or that other Administrators make or members?

4. Is there a "This Many Users Online" Feature or a These users are online?

Thanks Ahead of time


Some Questions about V 2.2.3

Hi I have some questions about version 2.2.3 if anyone could please answer them for me it would be great.

1. Is there a Remember Me option for Login?

2. Is there a tutorial on how to install themes?

3. Is there a logging option that i could put into place to log changes I make or that other Administrators make or members?

4. Is there a "This Many Users Online" Feature or a These users are online?

Thanks Ahead of time


Can't see menu when logged in?

On my main menu I have an option that when I'm logged out I can see but once I log in its gone. How do I fix that so I see it?

Will Xoops work for me?

I’m wondering if this CMS will be able to do everything I need. Could someone help me out and let me know if it will be able to do all of these?

1. Images Library. I have tones of pictures I would like to upload all at once instead of one by one. Plus I want my members to be able to upload them also. And make comments.

2. On the main page I will be doing a daily posting. And have members that I choice doing them also. I would like have some of them be able just to submit the posting and it goes to the main page and some I have to approve. I also want this posting to have some auto content fill in with the latest submitted material to the site. Also I would like to be able to have it auto email out to everyone that subscribes.

3. be able to handle media like videos and sounds. I have a large collection of videos and would like them to also be able to submit videos and make comments.

4. I would also like to provide a way for my subscribers to pay a small one time fee and turn off any ads on the site I might have.

Thanks a ton this is a really great site.

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