Styles and Layout problems
  • 2004/7/9 11:28

  • jerry

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

I'm new to XOOPS and this whole php thingy... I thing for being a novice, my site is turning out pretty well; however, i'm having a few problems... Can anyone help?

1) If I choose a different theme or template nothing seems to ever change. I managed to load a couple of template, but when I pick a different one...nothing happens. Anyone know where I can find some documentation or something that could walk a novice through this????

2) My menu buttons, etc. are all short... they don't span the whole column. How do I fix this?

3) How do I modify the top of the page to put my logo up there?

Any help would be appreciated...

Here's what I have so far... http://www.jla-online.com/thelot

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