Re: largest XOOPS site?
  • 2002/7/19 16:10

  • jerryj

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2001/12/20

Probably this one.

Re: BUG when tables in Forums or News
  • 2002/7/19 16:09

  • jerryj

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2001/12/20

Um...call me stupid, but what's the difference?

Re: News / groups / visibility
  • 2002/1/17 15:00

  • jerryj

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2001/12/20

I disagree with Amgine on one point.


Amgine wrote:
A corollary of this capability would be that only those topics/modules/forums/whatever a user had appropriate access to would appear to that user - no more 'you don't have permission' messages (sometimes after considerable work)! Users should not even know the stuff they don't have access to actually exists.

From a marketing standpoint, if I'm running a commercial site, I may want to let users see what kinds of stuff the website has that they don't have access too--to try and persuade them to register for an account. Perhaps I would hack the "you don't have permission" messages to say "look what you could be seeing if you registered for an account with us!".


Also forgot that jerryj (I think) wanted the capability to restrict certain blocks to certain pages - and potentially to certain users - so this too could be a consideration for an 'access control module'.

This wasn't me...I think it was webangel.

Re: test this
  • 2002/1/6 13:43

  • jerryj

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  • Since: 2001/12/20

Thanks for the response, but being new to PHP, that doesn't really tell me anything.

My PHP info shows --without-gd on the most recent compile. Are you talking about some sort of stand alone library that I can enable through an httpd.conf flag?


Re: test this
  • 2002/1/6 4:29

  • jerryj

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My site is on L.A.M.P. (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) and I am experiencing the problem as well. No visitors are being reported, and no bar graphs are showing up on the stats screens.

I do NOT have GD support enabled in PHP, and I cannot recompile PHP on my machine to enable it. Are there any other options available for getting this to work?

Re: Request to Expand Sections
  • 2002/1/4 18:57

  • jerryj

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2001/12/20

Cool!!! You guys rock!!!

Request to Expand Sections
  • 2002/1/4 18:12

  • jerryj

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2001/12/20

w4z suggested in this post:


that I post this here.

You guys have done a great job here on Xoops. Somebody finally has a decent implementation of a module infrastructure. I have looked at the code and I can see that it is going to be easily modifiable, and easy to find where in the code you need to modify to achieve your desired customization.

This was mentioned a bit in the post linked to above, but the biggest thing I see missing from XOOPS (and all Nuke variants as well), is a robust implementation of managing articles. Articles are different from news. The XOOPS implementation of news is great, because news comes and goes and it dies after awhile.

Articles on the other hand stay around and users on your site may refer to them over and over again. For this reason, the implementation of articles needs to be different than news.

I believe this is why the sections module was created, to serve as a repository for articles. The current sections implementation is bare bones, and is a good starting point, but there is quite a bit of functionality still missing to make it a good article manager (helping move the XOOPS system more into the CMS world as well as the Portal world).

Therefore, I'm hoping the XOOPS team will consider updating the Sections module with additional functionality such as the following:

1) Categories under Sections with navigation.
2.) Additional data on articles, including intro text, body text, author (user), related links.
3.) Ability to comment on articles using current comment functionality.
4.) Ability for users to suggest / submit articles for sections.
5.) An associated side block for most recent articles.
6.) Implement related article functionality so articles can be linked, or else the ability to write multi-page articles.

There are probably going to be some people out there that say "why not just use the news module for articles"? That is a legitimate question, but I reiterate that the nature of news and articles are different for the reasons I mentioned above and thus require a different means of navigating through them.

If these six items could be implemented in Sections, I think the community would greatly benefit and expand.

There apparently appears to be a large interest by the community at large for an eGallery. That's cool, but I think this needs to be right up there as well.

Thanks for reading this long post, and thanks to the team for a great new product...

Re: A couple of questions on blocks...
  • 2002/1/4 14:41

  • jerryj

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2001/12/20

Okay, so if I want to change something on the Main Menu, for instance (i.e., reword something, remove sub-options), I have to disbable the default main menu and create a new custom main menu block?

[ Edited by jerryj on 2002/1/4 8:41:52 ]

Re: A couple of questions on blocks...
  • 2002/1/4 4:52

  • jerryj

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2001/12/20

Well, I figured out #1 above. I had to go back and re-edit a topic after I had changed the permissions to force the system to recreate the topictree.txt file in /modules/news/cache.

Still wondering about #2, though.

A couple of questions on blocks...
  • 2002/1/3 23:16

  • jerryj

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2001/12/20

Hi...I have a couple of questions on blocks.

1.) I have changed all permissions according to the install docs, activated the News block, entered topics and subtopics, entered a couple of articles, and clicked on "update" in the admin menu, but I cannot get anything to show up in the "News Topics" block.

2.) When I go to the blocks section on the admin menu, and I click on a block to edit it, "Main Menu" for example, should I be able to see the content (HTML) that generates the menu in the content field of the form? If so, it is not showing up. If not, how do I edit the content of the Main Menu and any other blocks?

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