Registration/Membership Management Question
  • 2004/5/24 13:38

  • MisterB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2004/5/24

Dear All

I am new to XOOPs and still trying to get my head around what everything does and what modules I need.

Basically, I want to use XOOPS to run a website for a membership based charity organisation (with limited funds!). On this basis, I will have some general pages viewable by everyone (eg information on joining), but then discussion boards, full member contact details etc available only to registered members. So far, so good - I think that I have managed this with having two tinycontent duplicatable modules running - one when people are not registered, the other accessible when they are (if there is an easier way, please let me know!).

A couple of questions:

1. Is there a way to have 2 versions of the login block - one that all people see that DOES NOT have the "Register Now" link in it (to stop all and sundry signing up!). The other would be where members that have joined the organisation would be sent the link to join. Alternatively, is there a way to remove the "Register Now" from the login block? I could then send the page link to register.php to people once they are given permission to join.

Find file ../modules/system/blocks/system_blocks.php

Find line $block['lang_registernow'] = _MB_SYSTEM_RNOW;
and // out. I also removed the final line in /modules/system/templates/blocks/system_block_login.htmland also remove from theme.html (using Hiweed-blue) as it also appeared in the header

2. Is XOOPS FAQ module duplicatable, as I want a different one for members once they are logged in?

3. Is there a module that can be used for easily maintaining a members address list (name, contact details etc). Ideally, this would be based on an adapted "register" page to avoid having to enter details more than once. Alternatively, what files other than register.php would have to me changed so that register page could include address, postcode etc and these feed through into the database? Inside XOOPs and looking at the Members list, it may be possible to change ICQ, AIM, YIM etc for other headings?

4. Within the Members section, is there a way of separating members into groups? I effectively have an Executive Committee, Voting Members and Non-voting members that I would like to list as sub-headings. I have amended one of the settings so that members are listed (using search results).

5. I have read WIKI (7.5. How to show HTML pages inside XOOPS) about including other HTML pages within the XOOPS template and have settled on Tinycontent BUT how do you include an external HTML or PHP page in the body (I am not trying to pinch anyone else's content - for info I have a Mailman discussion list set up for the site and want it to appear within the same layout, as I could not find a mailing list/Mailman hack for use within the XOOPs environment).

I hope someone can help as I have been tearing my hair out trying to work out the above. If I manage to work them out myself I will amend this message.

Kind regards


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