XOOPS France
  • 2019/9/19 10:54

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Anyone knows what happened to the XOOPS France website? It has been down for quite some time now.

DNS issues?

dig +noall +answer http://www.frxoops.org
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Small display issue in date for yesterday and today
  • 2019/9/16 11:40

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

I was looking at an issue where dates for posts from yesterday or today would not display correctly in my language (French).

I found an error in our locale file language/french/locale.php ;

define('_TODAY', "\A\u\j\o\u\r\d\'\h\u\i G:i");
define('_YESTERDAY', "\H\i\e\r G:i");

The issue is that \r \e seem to be special characters and have not been translated properly in French so I can easily fix this by doing double back slash \\e and \\r like I have seen in the English version of the file language/english/locale.php

The function that is returning the date string is located in class/xoopslocal.php and at line 98 I can see the reference to _TODAY and _YESTERDAY defined in local.php

$datestring = ($elapse_today 0) ? _TODAY _YESTERDAY;

Now there is also another file called calendar.php that has a really neat variable called _CAL_TODAY

define('_CAL_TODAY', 'Aujourd\'hui');

I tried to be clever by replacing

$datestring = ($elapse_today 0) ? _TODAY _YESTERDAY;

With this

$datestring = ($elapse_today 0) ? _CAL_TODAY _CAL_YESTERDAY;

in class/xoopslocal.php and I also added _CAL_YESTERDAY to the calendar.php file as it was not present but it didn’t work.

I don’t know PHP but wanted to know if there is an easy way to fix it like I wanted by using calendar.php (if there is not risk to have side effects) ?

Also just out of curiosity why define('_TODAY', "\T\o\d\a\y G:i"); and not define('_TODAY', "Today"); in local.php?

Re: NewBB 5.0 loading wrong template?
  • 2019/9/13 20:50

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Thanks, it worked.

Re: NewBB 5.0 loading wrong template?
  • 2019/9/12 20:04

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

UPDATE: I have downloaded the latest version of XOOPS 2.5.10 and NEWBB 5.00 from github and tried the install a few time on my Linux server, I still encounter the same problem with the forum display.

Would be glad if someone confirm they see the same issue

NewBB 5.0 loading wrong template?
  • 2019/9/12 15:00

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

I have an issue on NewBB 5.00 where the web page is loading with unresolved smarty constant like this


I suspect that the template that is loaded when I click on furum is themes/xbootstrap/modules/newbb/newbb_index.tpl since I am running the xbootstrap theme. In that file all smarty constants are in the form of “_MD_XXXXXXX”.

However, if I look in modules/newbb/language/english/main.php all constants are in form of “_MD_NEWBB_XXXXXX".

I found out that the template here modules/newbb/templates/newbb_index.tpl make reference to the correct constants format “_MD_NEWBB_XXXXXX".

How can I force XOOPS to load newbb_index.tpl from modules/newbb/templates/ instead of loading it from themes/xbootstrap/modules/newbb/ ?

Re: Fine tuning template won't show on browser
  • 2019/9/7 19:42

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16


It worked ...

Fine tuning template won't show on browser
  • 2019/9/7 18:24

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

I was trying to update the navbar and was under the assumtion that themes/xbootstrap/tpl/nav-menu.tpl was the correct file when using them xboostrap.

When I refresh my browser my changes are not coming up, restarting my webserver won't work either.

cleaning the data/caches/ folder won't work either

In an attempt to disable caching I have attempted

$tpl->caching = 0; in backend.php file with no success either.

Anyone know how I can work on the template and have my changes reflected straight after browser refresh ? If caching is the issue here how to disable it?

Re: 2.5.10 - User profile won
  • 2019/9/5 15:20

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Thanks Mamba for your help got it sorted now.

I can update mysql on my server but my hosting provider won't so need to stick to the version I have.

Re: 2.5.10 - User profile won't install when using utf8mb4
  • 2019/9/3 14:01

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Doing the change as requested moved the problem to table "profile_regstep" (line 43 in same file you mentioned)

So I have then changed
`step_name`       varchar(255)
`step_name`       varchar(200)
(line 45) and it installed the module fine.

Do you have an idea on what is going on?

2.5.10 - User profile won't install when using utf8mb4
  • 2019/9/3 10:39

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Setup of the server:
XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.10
PHP Version 7.2.22
mySQL Version 5.7.27-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 - (Ubuntu)
OS Linux Ubuntu Server

Creating database at install won't work with my current provider so I need to create database beforehand. The default charset for my provider is utf8mb4_unicode_ci.

When using this, I can't install the user profile module and it is showing the following MySQL related error.
0.000255 CREATE TABLE profile_field ( `field_idint(12unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `cat_idsmallint(5unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_typevarchar(30NOT NULL default '', `field_valuetypetinyint(2unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_namevarchar(255NOT NULL default '', `field_titlevarchar(255NOT NULL default '', `field_descriptiontext, `field_requiredtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_maxlengthsmallint(6unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_weightsmallint(6unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_defaulttext, `field_notnulltinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_edittinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_showtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_configtinyint(1unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_optionstext, `step_idsmallint(3unsigned NOT NULL default '0'PRIMARY KEY (`field_id`), UNIQUE KEY `field_name` (`field_name`), KEY `step` (`step_id`, `field_weight`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM
Error number
Error message
Specified key was too longmax key length is 1000 bytes

If I force the database into utf8_general_ci the installation would work fine.

I have read somewhere that since MySQL 5.5.3 is advised.

Is there no support yet for XOOPS runing on utf8mb4_unicode_ci?

I have little understanding of the issue nor the effect of changing character set on database but I ham fully admin on my server so can run any commands for debug if required.

My aim is to reproduce an environment as close as possible to our hosting service for future website migration.

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