Mithrandir wrote:
Which really is not all that surprising
Yes it is. We have active forum with 27,000 members, and on average sometime 100+ users use IPBM forum at same time. We have Bandwidth of 200GB/month, Apache 2.0, Memory : 1GB DDR RAM, Hard Drive 1 : 80GB EIDE, Operating System : Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 3, Processor : Single AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2.133 GHz., MySQL 3.23.58-2.3, webalizer 2.01_10-15.ent, php 4.3.2-14.ent.
Xoops persistent connection is off. What I am asking, is it a problem of MySQL that it can not take more queries and crash. What is the reason behind that ? I have never seen xoops.org website having this problem with a massive users surfing website at same time.
FYI, this strange error comes, reamins there for maxium 1-2 minute on average, and again evrything get normaal and site become LIVE. This occurs 2-4 times a day during pick hours.