Re: email change on this site?

Thanks for the advice. I'll pm him.

Re: email change on this site?

This is a real shame as when a user has to change their email adddress they will have to re-register with another username and then lose the continutiy benefits of notifications, my posts etc.

Opportunity for improvement?

email change on this site?

This site seems to be set up so users cannot update their email address. Have I missed a trick somewhere?

How do I update my address?

CBB 3.08: How to remove a topic prefix?

I'm running CBB 3.08 on Xoops 2.4.4 and need to remove some 'topic prefixes'.

When editing a post I can add a prefix OK (obviously!) and change it but if I select NONE, which is the first option in the drop-down list, it leaves the existing prefix there.

This happens as registered user, moderator and admin.

Am I trying to do this in the right place?

Tinymce editor and image in new window

I'm using XOOPS 2.4.4 and News 1.66 with tinymce as the editor but images in articles lose the feature to open in a new window.

If I use the 'DHTML form with xCode' editor images in articles can be clicked to bring up a new window, and if I've set the various config bits correctly the images can be small in the article and bigger in the new window. A nice feature.

With tinymce this doesn't seem to work. I'm guessing the sanitization process doesn't put in the caricafoto code for some reason.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for a simple fix.

Re: AMS 3.0 combine with News 1.64. Give your opinion.

If merging is the way forward then, for me, it must be cloneable with as many features as possible configurable (on/off) that way we can achieve several different objectives on the same site.

I'm using News and AMS on my site because because I actually need a multi-contributor news section with only a few categories but with a simple input editor form (which News did for me) and a document management section with lots of complicated permissions and a full-on wysiwyg editor (which AMS provided). I tried to use just one but couldn't work out how to provide alternative editors and split the automatic menus up to simulate separate News and Documents sections.

Protector gives false positive after 2.4.4 upgrade

I'm not claiming I understand all the tricky things Protector does for us but ...

On the 'security advisory' tab the first thing seems to be a test of the 'XOOPS_TRUST_PATH'. I might be wrong here but it seems to be checking whether it can reach an image file. If the trust path is set correctly it cannot reach the file and therefore doesn't show the image. If it can reach the file it alerts you by showing it - an image with the letters NG.

Those using the upgrade package 2.3.3 to 2.4.4 do not get the image; it's missing, although it's present in the full package. So this test will not find it and therefore give the false impression that it has tested the trust path and found the path OK.

I would be happy to be told this is all bunkum by someone who knows better - but in the meantime can someone slip the missing file into the upgrade package.

Upgrade package aside 2.4.4 seems a great job - thanks to all involved.

Re: Can't access admin after upgrading

This file is also missing from the 2.3.3 to 2.4.4 upgrade


can someone add it please!

Also please put the images into upgrade/img directory. It's very scary to run the upgrade and see a lot of image placeholders.

Re: Admin theme exm shows blank images

Thanks Kri_fr for getting me to think more clearly. I should have looked for where the menu items were being collected up, which is in exm.php and not filtered stuff out in the template. However I could not find the lines you mentioned in exm.php but did see where both the module lists were assembled for the drop down menu and the bank of module icons on the right. So scrap the previous suggestion about changing ..../modules/system/class/gui/exm/xotpl/system_indexcp.html and change ..../modules/system/class/gui/exm/exm.php as follows: In the section
// add MODULES  Menu items
around line 148 (deals with drop down menu)
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
$rtn = array();
$sadmin $moduleperm_handler->checkRight('module_admin'$mod->getVar('mid'), $xoopsUser->getGroups());
  if (
$sadmin) {
$info $mod->getInfo();
    if (!empty(
$info['adminindex'])) {
$rtn['link'] = XOOPS_URL '/modules/'$mod->getVar('dirname''n') . '/' $info['adminindex'];
    } else {
$rtn['link'] = XOOPS_URL '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences&op=showmod&mod=' $mod->getVar('mid');
$rtn['title'] = $mod->name();
$rtn['absolute'] = 1;
    if (isset(
$info['icon']) && $info['icon'] != '' ) {
$rtn['icon'] = XOOPS_URL '/modules/' $mod->getVar('dirname''n') . '/' $info['icon'];
$menu[] = $rtn;
move the last assigment line into the << if ($sadmin) {} >> block such that the last 4 lines change from:
$menu[] = $rtn;
$menu[] = $rtn;
Then go further down near line 207 and find a similar << foreach ($mods as $mod) {} >> block where the last 4 lines should be changed from
This bit deals with the block of icons on the right of the page. That seems a cleaner way to do it.

Admin theme exm shows blank images

Smart theme but can look broken. On arrival on the right side under 'installed modules' we have images for the modules. For webmasters all these images are active links leading to a module's admin area, which is great. For site admins who have admin privileges in some but not all modules there are images with active links where they are the admin, but they get a placeholder with a link that diverts to the site's home page when not the admin, which is not so great! The default theme doesn't show the labels/links for modules where the user is not the admin which seems more intuitive. In ..../modules/system/class/gui/exm/xotpl/system_indexcp.html If we change this bit:
<td width="48%" class="CPindexOptions">
div class="CPbigTitle" style="background-image: url(<{xoImgUrl img/modules.png}>)"><{$lang_insmodules}></div><br />
div class="cpicon">
item=mod from=$modules}>
a href="<{$mod.link}>" title="<{$mod.title}>">
img src='<{$mod.icon}>' alt="<{$mod.title}>" />
adding a test to see if module is there like this:
<td width="48%" class="CPindexOptions">
div class="CPbigTitle" style="background-image: url(<{xoImgUrl img/modules.png}>)"><{$lang_insmodules}></div><br />
div class="cpicon">
item=mod from=$modules}>
a href="<{$mod.link}>" title="<{$mod.title}>">
img src='<{$mod.icon}>' alt="<{$mod.title}>" />
Then the right side module icons appear only if the user is admin for them.

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