Re: Xoops and GWT integration
  • 2009/2/25 16:09

  • Peluco

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  • Since: 2006/5/29

Yes, I've tried it, but I need some custom functions. I'm currently managing the galleries using XCGal (with is something like a Coppermine integration into Xoops), and it works fine, it suits better to my needs than Gallery 2, but I need to improve it with some custom functions, mainly client-side functions. I've found XCGal easier to hack and to integrate into the rest of my site, so I'm working with it.


Xoops and GWT integration
  • 2009/2/24 8:09

  • Peluco

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  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29


I need some advanced photo gallery features for my site (a photography community), and I'm planning to develop the management interface with GWT, which also I'm using for other projects. For this gallery management I need to do some kind of RPC from GWT (client javascript) to XOOPS (photo upload, album organization, etc...), keeping user information, security, etc.

Any hints on how to address this RPC? I'm a bit lost about PHP and XOOPS development.

Thanks in advance!!

TinyMCE editor and News 1.62
  • 2008/11/13 18:29

  • Peluco

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  • Since: 2006/5/29


I've updated recently to 2.3.1, and it works fine. I had the news module 1.55 working with the tinymce editor. But today I've updated the news module to 1.62 and the tinymce editor won't work anymore. I can only edit with DHTML. I'm lost, I don't know where to begin to investigate. All other items in the news module seems to work fine.

Any hints?

Re: Attachments in comments
  • 2008/11/12 11:21

  • Peluco

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  • Since: 2006/5/29

I know that it can be done in CBB, but what I want is to use attachments in the comments, for example, comments to news, to images, etc. Not only in the forums.

I run a photo gallery with xcgallery, and I want that attachments in the comments to the photos.


Attachments in comments
  • 2008/11/12 10:58

  • Peluco

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  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29


I want that my users could upload easily some images into their comments to the articles and images. Can it be done someway easily?


Re: How to get module content
  • 2007/11/21 21:57

  • Peluco

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  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29

I've been looking into XOOPS themes and how the pages are constructed. All content is into a div section called 'conten'. When you call a XOOPS page you call a php file that returns the page with all the sections. I think that maybe is possible to write a function that wraps a call to that module's php file, catchs the html output, and strips all but this div section. This will not be very efficient, because XOOPS constructs all the blocks for nothing, as the function discards them later, but it may work. I'll try to do it. Do you know of some php function/library that lets me parse an html file easily? to do the div section extraction.

Re: How to get module content
  • 2007/11/21 13:50

  • Peluco

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  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29

No other solution?

Is there any other way to obtain only the content page of a module? For example, in the news module I want to obtain only the content of one of the news, so that I can put some of them in some DHTML tabbed pane.

Re: How to get module content
  • 2007/11/21 13:48

  • Peluco

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  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29

No other solution?

Is there any other way to obtain only the content page of a module? For example, in the news module I want to obtain only the content of one of the news, so that I can put some of them in some DHTML tabbed pane.

How to get module content
  • 2007/11/9 13:38

  • Peluco

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  • Since: 2006/5/29


I have a XOOPS site, and I want to be able to show module content on another web page, but *only* the module content, without all the surrounding blocks, headers and footers I have on my main site.

¿Can it be done with Xoops? I'm a programmer, so I can hack the code if necesary, but since I don't know the XOOPS internals, I need some advice.

Thanks in advance.

Image manager cuota
  • 2007/4/17 12:03

  • Peluco

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  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29


Is there any way to restrict the amount of images an user can upload to image manager? What I'm looking for is a cuota control to the XOOPS image manager.


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