I have been testing xoops 2.5.12 on a preproduction site for 10 days.
I have not encountered any major problems, however there is a problem that is not a bug, but rather a regression with the smarty plugins xoModuleIcons16 , xoModuleIcons32 , ....
in many old modules we can see in the templates:
The name of the icon is without apostrophes, because the old function received a string of characters with apostrophes, if there were apostrophes, the image was simply not displayed.
with xoops 2.5.12 you have to write:
with apostrophes.
The function receives an array and if the apostrophes are missing it bugs, which is normal behavior.
the problem is that if we have several sites with different versions it will be a bit problematic to maintain these modules.
If we leave without apostrophes to bug with xoops 2.5.12
if we put the apostrophes it causes problems with previous versions.
so I modify by putting the name of the icon after the smarty tag to not have a problem on the different versions, 2.5.10, 2.5.11, and 2.5.12
Thanks for the work done on this version, JJDai