XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/4/30 15:48

  • Technicum

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2010/9/6 5

Dear xoops'ers,

I have ran into troubles while trying to install the XoopsGallery2 module. I know the module is a little outdated, as it is supposed to work up untill Xoops 2.3.x. But previously worked fine for me on xoops 2.5.4.

The situation is now that i messed up my files owners using "chown -r /". And after reïnstalling my system i chose to use the latest xoops, php, mysql and apache. So, my current configuration is:

Debian 7.4
Apache 2.2.22
MySQL 5.5.35
PHP 5.4.4-14
Xoops 2.5.6

With this i tried to install XoopsGallery2 as i used to, and after i finally got through the authorisation step (step 2) i ran into troubles at step 5, the database setup. I have created a database in mysql and i am sure the mysql user has the right permissions and the database itself as well. Now when i try to perceed to step 6 by clicking "save", the installer comes up with the following error:

Do you guys have any ideas on this?

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/4/30 17:23

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11424

  • Since: 2004/4/23

One of the things that you'll have to do is to replace in your SQL file:




I don't if other things will work, but this is a 1st step with all the older modules.
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/4/30 17:47

  • Technicum

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2010/9/6 5

Hi Mamba,

I looked up the SQL file, located at: /modules/xg2.1/sql/, and replaced "TYPE" with "ENGINE". The mysql.sql file looks like this right now:

CREATE TABLE xg2_data (
xg2_id mediumint(8unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
xg2_name varchar(100NOT NULL default '',
xg2_ext varchar(20NOT NULL default '',
xg2_type varchar(20NOT NULL default '',
xg2_albumdir varchar(50NOT NULL default '',
xg2_basedir varchar(255NOT NULL default '',
xg2_created int(10unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
xg2_comments smallint(5unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (xg2_id)

I retried the installation of XG2 but the error persists.

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/5/1 11:45

  • Technicum

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2010/9/6 5

Hmm. I retried installation once more, but now i noticed some Warnings at the system check i strangely didn't notice before. The installer complains about "Modified files" and "Old files". I did some research and found that the "Old files" just are files that are outdated and aren't used anymore by the version i currently am installing, but i can't sort out what the "Modified files" are.

Could this be causing me the troubles?

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/5/1 14:34

  • Technicum

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2010/9/6 5

Guys, I have found a solution!

I came up with the idea to "update" the whole Gallery2 version. So, looking for a newer version of Gallery2 i found the official Gallery website, with the downloads as well. There, i found the latest Gallery2 version 2.3.2.

Now, the steps i took are:
1). Download the latest XoopsGallery2 module:

2.) Download the latest Gallery2 version (2.3.2) from the official Gallery website:
NOTE: I picked the "Full" - "English Only" Zip-file version.

3.) Unpack both downloaded files in a separate directory and browse to:
"Unpacked XoopsGallery2 Directory"\ xg2.1 \ engine.

4.) In this directory: delete everything EXCEPT the config.php file.

5.) Now copy-paste the content of the "Unpacked Gallery2.3.2 directory" \ gallery2 directory into the engine-directory of the XoopsGallery2 module.

6. Install Gallery/XoopsGallery-module by the installation-manual, which you can find in the xg2.1/docs directory (install.txt).

Installation ran so-far-so-good for me. I'm excited to proceed to the installation of the module itself in xoops, and will post the results.

If you want, i'll be happy to provide a zip-file (or such) with the above steps done?

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/5/1 15:39

  • Technicum

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2010/9/6 5

Hmm. Too bad, installation went fine but now i still have some troubles with exporting the user-groups and users to the gallery. I'll keep you updated.

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/5/8 10:03

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11424

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Please keep us posted....
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/9/17 14:54

  • Technicum

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2010/9/6 5

The reason for the months of silence is that I've been really busy with school and had to put nearly all other things on halt.

Yesterday I picked up the gallery issue again and worked out where I stopped last May. At the moment i am stuck at the problem that it seems that the groups and users are exported to the gallery, but the rights they have don't come with them. Even as the administrator I only have "Add album to cart" and "Mount with WebDAV" options in the Gallery-menu.

For now , I don't have any opportunity of adding photo's to the gallery.

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/9/20 15:40

  • Bleekk

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2002/12/14

I downloaded this module right now from xoops but I can't unzip it. the filenames are too long.

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2014/9/22 13:46

  • Technicum

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2010/9/6 5

Strange. I've just tried to download the module, but haven't got any troubles unzipping it?


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