Hi Peekay
For creating folders I use:
if(!is_dir($path_uploads)) {
mkdir($path_uploads, 0777);
chmod($path_uploads, 0777);
copy(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/index.html", $path_uploads."index.html");
As I know, it should work
The permission to handle a category is managed per group (was already in the past).
The permission to handle an image is managed per user (thats new).
1) I create a category "mycat1"
2) I create a group "mygroup1"
3) I give mygroup1 full access right to mycat1
Possibility 1
I (as member of mygroup1) declare a picture as public in mycat1: each user, which is member of mygroup1, has full access (right to see in the list, to edit or to delete) to my picture
Possibility 2
I (as member of mygroup1) declare a picture as private in mycat1: all other users have no access to my picture (also no right to see in the list). Of course, if I use the picture e.g. in an article, everybody can see it.
Possibility 3
To say, I allow other users of mycat1 to see the picture in the list, but to give them no right to edit or delete, is not possible at the moment. If it is wished, that can be implemented
I hope, it is clear now
Any other commetns or suggestions?