XOOPS Version: 2.5.1a
Module Name/Version: Banner Advertisement
MySQL Version: 5.2
Theme you are using:ixt00905_v22
https://xoops.org/modules/extgallery/public-photo.php?photoId=1618#photoNavCustom template: Yes
A full description of the issue:
I'm uncertain if this has been posted. But I'm trying to move the banner add to the far right, so that it lines up at the end with the blue bar, and it allows more room for my logo.
Under the ixt00905_v22/modules/system I see the html files system_banner, system_bannerdisplay, and system_bannerlogin ... I can only assume that these are the files to edit in order to change the display.
I am not certain if I'm reading this right, but perhaps this is the code I need to edit, I could be wrong
<{$smarty.const._BANNERS_NOTHINGFOUND}> |
<{if $count}> <{foreach item=banner from=$banners}> <{/foreach}> <{/if}>