Hello all,
I have built a simple module.
I have tested it on my server, works like a charme.
Today I have uploaded the module to the server and the installation worked, according to the admin.
But when I look at the page it shows the php code......
getVar('uid'); $BB_KlantNaam = $xoopsUser->getVar('name'); $BB_EmailAdres = $xoopsUser->getVar('email'); } else { $BB_uid = 0; $BB_KlantNaam = "Geen naam bekend"; $BB_EmailAdres = "Geen email bekend"; } $_SESSION["BB_uid"] = $BB_uid; $_SESSION["BB_KlantNaam"] = $BB_KlantNaam; $_SESSION["BB_EmailAdres"] = $BB_EmailAdres; print BB_KlantNaam; ?>
I don't want that..
The complete page is:
// let start including the header of xoops
include("../../mainfile.php"); // including top functions of xoops
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = "Buitenhuis.php"; // this line must be defined BEFORE header.php, otherwise module will get threader like a x1 module (old style)
include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/header.php"); // including the rest
// done, now your own files comes!
include ("functies.php");
global $xoopsUser;
if (is_object($xoopsUser) == true)
$BB_uid = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
$BB_KlantNaam = $xoopsUser->getVar('name');
$BB_EmailAdres = $xoopsUser->getVar('email');
$strGegevens = GegevensOphalen($BB_uid);
$arrGegevens = explode("|", $strGegevens);
//$org_soort . "|" . $contact_tussenvoegsel . "|" . $contact_achternaam . "|" . $contact_aanhef
if ($arrGegevens['3'] == "Dhr")
print "Geachte heer " . $BB_KlantNaam;
elseif ($arrGegevens['1'] == "Mw")
print "Geachte mevrouw " . $BB_KlantNaam;
print "Geachte " . $BB_KlantNaam;
print "
$Variabelen = "view=3&cid=1&cName=" . $arrGegevens['2'] . "&cEmail=" . $BB_EmailAdres . "&cSoort=" . $arrGegevens['0'];
print "";
print "Niet ingelogd.";
print "U kunt niet reserveren.";
// including footer of xoops
// done
Could somebody tell me what is wrong?