What a day to try 2.3.1 and a selection of gallery modules
So it seems I must create all the directories in Uploads for the original, large, medium and thumb photos, I have done this and chmod them to 777 just to make sure
I put 15 test photos in batch folder i batch upload them to a gallery, it says its done it and marks out 15 thumbs and populates the db and the gallery display except there are no pictures just place holders, if I try to open the thumbnail in a separate page it tells me
The requested URL /xxxxxx/uploads/extgallery/public-photo/thumb/thumb_xxxxxxx_1f4acd.jpg was not found on this server.
and it would be right as there is nothing in the thumb folder......
can anyone help me with this I am using GD2 which the index page claims is found at /usr/local/bin/ and working. It will not find imagemagick