Using the default template, I am getting this:
and expands to:
Where I should be seeing just the links.
XOOPS Version - XOOPS 2.3.1
PHP Version - 4.4.4
MySQL Version - 4.1.22-standard
Server API Version - cgi
OS Version - Linux
safe_mode - Off
register_globals - On
magic_quotes_gpc - On
allow_url_fopen - On
fsockopen - On
allow_call_time_pass_reference - On
post_max_size - 64M
max_input_time - 100
output_buffering -
max_execution_time - 100
memory_limit -
file_uploads - On
upload_max_filesize - 64M
This is on a duplicate site that I created to practice upgrading to 2.3.1. I created the site update.mysite.com, copied all of the files over and created a new database to which I imported all of the old data.
It is on this duplicate that I am finding the issue. Once I have it figured out, I'll take on the production one.
Old system was 2.2.4.
If I have bad files uploaded, is there a way of identifying them without uploading everything again?
I am seeing these errors on the page:
Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file /modules/newbb/include/functions.ini.php line 70
Notice: Deprecated function 'mod_getunamefromids', use XoopsUserUtility directly. in file /Frameworks/art/functions.user.php line 26
Notice: Deprecated function 'mod_getunamefromids', use XoopsUserUtility directly. in file /Frameworks/art/functions.user.php line 26
Notice: Deprecated function 'mod_getunamefromids', use XoopsUserUtility directly. in file /Frameworks/art/functions.user.php line 26
Optimism is the mother of disappointment.