I have installed piCal 0.91 and it is ok.
Now I want to see the mini_calendar block but it isn't displayed yet. Turned on the debug I got this message:
Warning: pical_mini_calendar_show(/modules/dropdown/include/read_configs.php) [function.pical-mini-calendar-show]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file /modules/piCal/blocks/pical_mini_calendar.php line 57
Warning: pical_mini_calendar_show() [function.include]: Failed opening '/modules/dropdown/include/read_configs.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/php/lib/php/') in file /modules/piCal/blocks/pical_mini_calendar.php line 57
So I looked to the file pical_mini_calendar.php and I see that the problem is in how the module get his own module directory name:
function pical_mini_calendar_show( $options )
global $xoopsConfig , $xoopsDB , $xoopsUser ;
$mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) : $options[0] ;
the $mydirname that it get is "dropdown" instead of "piCal". Is it a problem of php version?
My site is under:
XOOPS 2.0.16
PHP 4.4.7
MySQL 5.0.54
Thanks in advance.