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Development Xoops
1. About the XOOPS Development Forge
1.1 Collaborative open source XOOPS module development
1.2 Public development information
1.3 Developers Accounts
1.4 Project Administration
1.5 Development Scope
1.6 Forums, which to use and when
1.7 Wiki Guidelines
1.8 XOOPS Module Development CVS Instructions
2. Module Development
2.1 General Module Development Standards In progress here.....
2.2 Module Development Guide
2.3 Core Functions
2.4 Tutorials
3. Theme Development
4. Translations
5. Core Functions in development for the next version
5.1. Kernel Deprecated Functions
5.2. in Smarty
5.3. Admin theming how-to
6. XOOPS 2.0.x Core
6.1. Templates from Filesystem
6.2. Xoops and Virtual Host
6.3. Xoops and mod_rewrite
6.4. Abbreviated XOOPS_URL
6.5. Tips and Tricks
6.5.1. Xoops and HTML Pages
6.5.2. Constants in Templates
6.5.3. Shared XOOPS for Multiple User
6.5.4. PHP Code Optimisations
6.5.5. Upgrade
6.5.6. MySQL compatibility
7. Changes from XOOPS 2.0x to XOOPS 2.2
7.1. Language Constants

Thank you HelpXOOPS.info for protecting and keeping this wonderful documentation safe. Special thanks to rabideau & carnuke for having the forsight to list it and to Nothern for taking over the site and continuing to protect its contents. BS
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG


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