When you move a site from one location to another, there are a few things you should take care of based on my experiences. The process I use for moving to a new server (the process I use for deployment of every client site from dev to test, and from test to production):
1. Export the database (I use phpMyAdmin and also check 'delete table')
2. TarGzip the entire site (include XOOPS_TRUSTED_PATH as you are likely using the Protector module -- any maybe others)
3. Create database and user on new site (if not already setup)
4. Change hard-coded local URLs in data (better yet, always make URLs relative!; search the SQL file for both web & file paths, especially for module filepath preferences in dB)
5. Import SQL file to new database
6. UnGzipTar files into place
7. Fix mainfile.php for new site (several locations):
- XOOPS root path;
- XOOPS root url;
- database host, database, username, password;
- trust path, etc.
8. Fix .htaccess with new domain/url (likely unneeded)
Finally, do you have any modules that are SEO enabled, such as SmartSection? That hits point #8. Also, some of the above may not apply to your site, so you may not have to follow the step.