Okay, the site is a virtual pet site, the pages are set up like so.
* captcha.php - The script that generates the security code images.
* index.php - The file that routes requests to their appropriate page based on the slug in the request.
* .htaccess - The mod_rewrite rules for URL rewriting.
* CHANGES, CREDITS, LICENSE, README - Text files with notes about Kitto.
* cache/ - A directory used by HTMLPurifier for caching lists that it generates when it gets used.
* db/ - All of the SQL you will need for setting your database up.
* docs/ - Documentation, including a place to store the auto-generated API docs.
* external_lib/ - Third-party libraries that Kitto depends on. You do not need this folder if you already have the appropriate versions of the libraries in your include path.
* includes/ - This directory contains the config file and all of Kitto's classfiles.
* resources/ - This folder contains web resources such as images, javascript, and CSS.
* scripts/ - This folder contains all of the pages' script files.
* template/ - Container for the four required Smarty folders.
o templates/ - Your template files.
o configs/ - Additional Smarty configuration.
o templates_c/ - A cache for 'compiled' templates.
o cache/ - Used to cache template output, if you have caching enabled.
I hope this helps, you get access to the base part of the site when registered as a player. What I need is to make sure that the XOOPS powered site can do the same things.
The Pages displayed are:
A page for each area of the game world
Games that can send their scores to the game to award points and or rewards.
I f I can get help with this part I can do the rest I would like to do. I just need help getting started. Any help is welcomed.