Banning Request
  • 2007/9/8 1:49

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18

Vaughan has requested Damaster be banned from Xoops.org. Along with the request, was a list of posts by Damaster.

vaughan wrote:

Re: FCKeditor 2.4.3 for XOOPS is released
You should add to the 10 commandments of XOOPS Code review
"on old floor, with carefully you will walk"
Have Fun !

totally not relevant to the news article, and another dig at XOOPS. (i would consider that as comment abuse)

Re: XOOPS OpenId integration first preview
2 years ago, there was an "OpenID" discussion on the japanese community forums... And some time ago Sakimura develop an OpenID solution for XOOPS 2.0.16 JP

You're aware of web services creating a "temporary mail"... Well, the same exist for OpenID. Just do some search out there.

Maybe you should focus on the core and fix it.
Then think and plan any extra optional feature.

totally not productive or helpful at all. and finished with another dig at a dev & xoops.

Re: Establishment of XOOPS Project Council
Humm... same people fight for same titles! What a shame!
Are you really honest when using the expression Open Source Spirit, to me, it means, give something generously without expect something in return.

I fight for the change! You should be happy to see that old members set the project free and a New Team is in place for a year! Give them a chance.

Because the disaster already happen - The project is almost dead!
And you don't have much more time, just check PHP6 then audit XOOPS code which is too old, too crappy. Focus on the core without what the project for sure will die.
But if you insist in fight for titles and power positions... you're acting alike vautours !
A Fair Democratic Model in the World
The Best Model in The World
Have Fun !

Another personal attack & pointless rabble & repetitiveness rammed down our throats again.

That quote was a very smart one, don't you think so !?
I have expecting to know what the facts really are, and I've been hoping to learn through the ancient art of reading instead the ancient art of war. But since some people get power over Xoops, we couldn't see through such "transparency" or was it so much transparent that we have seen nothing else than vaporware?
It seems that some want XOOPS to be an open source project truly community-driven
While others try to make it reach the perfect complexity of our traditional countries politics's.

Just remember that those who faced such issues are the same who try to take power over XOOPS project and those remove contributors credits.
So, I'd rather have just the facts, because the rest of that junk just made XOOPS bad karma.
Alike a disease which contaminates all the branches of the tree.

Those who pretend to be the victims, are only victims of their own plagiarism, cupidity and recklessness.
And I strongly dislike greed and taking advantage of cupidity, and those from the greediest cartels in XOOPS existence whose sole reasons for existence was and seems to be, human smart cupidity and the power of advertising.

You done well to warn them. That's a kind attention. I hope that they will have the common sense and hold their promises.

The current teams weren't provisory?
Were are the promised fundation report?
Roadmap, project community-driven?
Were is the poll for elections?

I would like to vote for induviduals, companies and end-users in a fair manner!

more philosophical crap & attacks on certain people in XOOPS teams.



The only person able to take legal action is Ono, the founder of the project and the owner of xoops.org domain.

Just remember it is the second time you blame me for such issue.
The first time you apologize.

And you insult me in your personal site and that content was under your responsibility. Do you want me to pursue you in court ? What the joke !?

As for "suggest the foundation be disbanded"... You have work hard for 4 years, manipulating developers and the all communities to get the title of "President". But you are aware that you have put yourself in such illegal situation where we can't talk.

And XOOPS in such bad situation that frozen development and project fork.

But we are off topic.

We can download the last official release 2.0.16
We can download the Herve release 2.0.17
We can download the BR-MX release 2.0.18
And we can download the clean Legacy code 2.1

Why we can't download the smartfactory release?
Why can't Herve be part of the council !?

Isn't this project "POWERED BY YOU", an open source community driven project?

Xoops.org is running well without "presidents" and "moderators".

Do you believe we can't try other 'concepts' online?
And try to set everything and everyone free !?

here's yet more of the same crap. and shameless plug of XC again.


Why we can't download the smartfactory release?

because smartfactory never packaged a full version of XOOPS to release. and especially calling it a XOOPS version that hasn't even been officially released.
smartfactory's site was put together by adding hacks etc, and applying bugfixes etc, and that version was saved for backup reasons. the hacks are available and all the modifications on the site are available all over the internet. so you can do it yourself if you want!



Well, I think the smart comments above clearly show who disrespect who.
Why i've fight such poisonous people here for so long.
Why great contributors have moved to helpxoops to be able to speak freely.
And how negative the poisonous can be to the project.

Also, when compared to this XOOPS Cube forum thread, I understand that some of you resume to such behavioral negative-positive. But such action-reaction has change since the poisonous people moved to xoopsinfo. At least, until one of them come back to delete posts or another to insult.

By the way, the term 'communist' was used by Tom, alike "little hitler", because he didn't get a "seat". But such "communism" was a good thing to the project and the community - it set people free to speech and open sourceforge to contributions. While the last ashamed team only contribute to XOOPS bad days: waste of time, developers and ressources. And of course, frozen development and force the fork : Legacy.

Normal that the poisonous moderators by deleting posts, banning people and try to close the project have created a negative environment at xoops.org. That prevent the project from evolving/moving away, with the only pourpose - to preserve their privileges. Nowadays, XOOPS 2, is far from competitors. Who's fault if it's a community driven project?

yet more of the same old crap. (did you look at yourself in the mirror when you wrote that nuno?)



Re: XOOPS Roadmap 2.3 - 2.4 - 3.0 ? #61

So many time... waiting... so so many lies and so much to wait!
Such huge amount of tasks accumulated the last 2 years
that it's difficult to believe on a possible future...

Hope is the last thing to die !

i.e. 2.0.17 or 2.0.18 - ok, it's a patchwork, not secure,
but at least they exist and there's always a pro Legacy

another dig again and plug of XC.



But maybe some think there's nothing to learn from past mistakes and maybe some others think that code review is a painful experience for everyone and should still looking forward. But when you get everything together, alike Mr. Minahito has done with XC Legacy code, most XOOPS 'developers' may find themselves unskilled.

Why audit XOOPS code?

Most of you are able to quote code from the 10 most used modules and show the code style of different developers (i.e. code badly integrated).

And people wonder why XOOPS and modules code are always full of security holes!?

As i've posted on Gijoe forums, referring to lazy developers that, since PHP is easy to learn, everyone can easily write bad php code for XOOPS (alike any other project/language). Most of the times non-professional pick up some code and start "cloning/forking" to create their own module, framework, library, etc. It's a way to learn. Right, but it also contributes to the perception that XOOPS PHP code is crap.

Some developers have done a badly patchwork, some even call it spaghetti PHP. While some Italian mamas may feel offended, it still working just fine for their kids under PHP4. Non-professional programmers will not care that the code is crap.

Why to reinvent the wheel?

As someone said sometime ago: They learn bad habits and then publish their code and teach others bad habits. I mean here, old hack nuke school

That may explain why some of the most popular open source PHP applications ever are really poorly coded and many nuke based cms have decide to re-code ... Drupal and Joomla come to mind.

But who can force developers to do so? It's open source. Looking at the amount of code released by programmers and third party developers, maybe... lazy... sounds not fair, but it's a reality in XOOPS world. Which needs a skilled programmer or professional developers to reduce the gap with Legacy as Minahito has done with XOOPS Cube or Gijoe with altsys and D3 modules.

yet another dig & pointless post. more digs at the devs. and not productive AT ALL!




'service' is something missing on Xoops,
that Farshid is implementing and contributing to reduce the gap.


What you carry out is enormous. We share ideas, concepts and code. We study and learn while developing. To me, that's open source spirit.
There's not "us" vs "them", everyone is part of "community.
And I sincerely admire such initiatives that remember me
Orpheus organization model similar to what we see on XOOPS Cube project.

Have Fun !

another dig & promotion of XC yet again.



Because XOOPS core don't provide such "service" (your referring to a new module) and because XOOPS can't "control" and "secure" its own functions, i'm quite sure that idea comes from another project. If i'm right, you know where to find my suggestion for such "service".

Have Fun !

yet another dig & plug of XC.


< english > I thought that it was xoopsmart factory

and another dig at the DEVS, and a direct insinuation that because marcan is on the core dev team and i'm also a smartfactory dev as are a couple other well known people (but only marcan is a core dev),
he is insinuating that other peoples work will be disregarded in favour of anything done by smartfactory.
he is also insinuating that the smartfactory team members are running XOOPS. that is a complete lie!


this is just a few posts made, and all of them either have a dig at xoops, attack someone, insult someone, accuse someone, promote XC, coax members away from XOOPS to xc, or are totally irrelevant off topic comments aimed at starting another argument or flame-war.

is that what i'm doing now? well yes and no.

yes because i am proving a point!! not that anyone ever listens anyway.. no because i am only doing to him what he has done to lots of people on here for years & is the reason he was BANNED!!

yet he is still doing exactly the same thing even tho he has been warned not to.

so there you go.. do as you see fit. as will I.

i will not give support or any help on a site where Damaster allowed!!

The community Coordination team, and the Project Council, has throughly reviewed the posts and history of Damaster, vaughan and others. The community Coordination team has come to this conclusion approved by the Project Council:

Based on the evidence provided by Vaughan, Damaster should not be banned. While his comments are opinionated, and provoking, They not totally out of line.

The flame wars between Damaster, Vaughan, nobody, Herve and some others can no longer be ignored.

It is clear that there is an extensive history. This history was taken into consideration by the Community Coordinator Team and the Project Council while considering the banning requests.

Since the request, there have been several more banning requests of the users involved and several posts like these:



This type of post will not be tolerated on Xoops.org, regardless of the point that is being made.

The next post of this nature will be deleted and the user banned from from Xoops.org for 14 days.
This is your first, last and only warning. If two or more users continue to attack each other in the Xoops.org forums, all the users involved will be banned, until they submit a joint apology to the community.

These type of posts only degrade the community and create a hostile atmosphere. Any other users who post similar messages will meet with the same actions.
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