
Hi all,

Just started a XOOPS site it's based on the sdbleu theme and i used pictures from a theme that i had originally made for phpnuke theme by dice design.


And yesterday i got the building websites with XOOPS book that i ordered, only a shame that the first half is about how to install modules XOOPS itself and themes.

It's gonna be about travelling in and to Europe.
So basicly the idea is too put info about every city in europe on there.
Hotels,restaurants, hotspots and so on.
But i started with the articles module too creat some pages ,but it don't really work that good for the thing i have in mind.

Would appreciete it a lot if you had any good ideas wich modules too use, where too start and how too keep it nice and clean.


P.S. if you got any good travel story's, pictures, hotspots.?
Feel free to share them.

Re: European-travel.eu


Re: European-travel.eu
  • 2007/7/2 20:41

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18

looks like you are off to a good start.

Now for the Business side of me.

Who are you trying to reach, demographically?
What service or niche are you going to provide, that is not already out there?

I have been to Europe, as a tourist, and on business.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.

Re: European-travel.eu

I think there not much sites with info about everything, for example hiking.
I like too make it so that peoplle can find routes places too see what do do preperation clothing tents the whole nine yards.
And so on.
And about the buisness side, what you got the others don't have.
Now from my buisness side point off view i'm in the catering buisness and there also like other 50 or so catering company but still i think there is market enough for one more.



Re: European-travel.eu
  • 2007/7/3 16:28

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18


I think there not much sites with info about everything, for example hiking.
I like too make it so that peoplle can find routes places too see what do do preperation clothing tents the whole nine yards.
And so on.


That is a mighty tall order to fill.
Europe is extremely rich in history and culture, and to have all on one site, wow!

Having backpacked through Europe, I can tell you it would have been nice to have a single resource to go to for where to go and what to do, in my language. Because some of the best places I visited where by mistake (I got lost) having a place to write about the adventure or mis-adventure and let others know of the 'treasure' I found would be even better.

Back to the basics-
I assume you are trying to reach the twenty-something crowd and the late baby boomers. Some have $$$ some don't. If these people are 'on-the-road' you want the site as simple as you can make it. keep the opening graphics to a minimum, some folks may be on a slow dial up connection. Of course the three click rule applies (if they can't find it in three clicks of the mouse, they're gone to another site)

For modules
An open blog: let people record their trip as they take it
An image gallery: so people can upload their pictures
A forum module
A weather module: nothing can ruin a camping trip like rain, This one might be tough, If I am in London, I could care less about the weather in Istanbul, unless I am going there.
A news module: with information relating to traveling
Maybe a sign-up or event module if you are going to be putting together tours, or side trips.
And an event calender to list what is happening where.
If you can get some sponsors maybe an partner module.
don't for get the links area.

this should give a good start
Of course as your site grows you may need to add some more.

As far as the current site, there seems to be a picture missing from the top center, it is label 'Netherlands' other than that you are off to a great start.

Make sure you check your forums & the blogs daily, your visitors will tell you if something is not right.

May the luck of the Irish be with you.
Happy trails.

Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.

Re: European-travel.eu

Thanks for the tips KC0MAZ.

I know it's a lot too put on 1 site.
The most difficult part is where too start.
I think i'm gonna start with putting all the countries/city's off europe on there and go from there.

Again thanks for your feedback.
And if you want too share some nice places foto's send me a mail




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