Use IE for one browser for admin
and firefox for the other browser with user.
Also here is a piece of javascript you may like for the FIREFOX browser.
javascript:if(navigator.javaEnabled()!=true){alert('Enable Java!')}else{D=java.io.DataInputStream(java.net.URL(location).openStream());R='';while((T=D.readLine())!=null){R+=T+'n'}D.close();W=open('','X','width=520,height=365,resizable');with(W.document){write('+R+'
this code will create a popup window and allow you to edit the html of the page == press write and immediately see the changes. (Firefox only)
![Resized Image](http://hardhunting.com/images2/editjshtml2.jpg)
To get...
EDIT a Bookmark and put the above javascript in the location part of the shortcut and name it editpage or something like that.
![Resized Image](http://hardhunting.com/images2/editjshtml.jpg)
I think you will like it just for kicks if nothing else.