Google (Gmail) uses SSL and non-standard ports for SMTP/POP3 access. Since XOOPS does not give you an option to change the port values you will use to connect to the Gmail servers, SMTPAuth will not work.
If PHPMail isn't working for you, then you have a few options...
1. Sign up for another mail services that uses SMTP on standard ports. (This is less secure, but will work.)
2. If your server is a Linux/BSD box, simply use sendmail as the mail transfer option. This works quite well and is quite reliable.
3. If you are running a Windows server, you can still use sendmail. This
Google Search turns up several Windows sendmail options.
4. You can hack the XOOPS mailer class to use secure ports on Google.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.