XOOPS Version: XOOPS 2.0.16
Module Name/Version: Private Messages
PHP Version: 5.1.4
MySQL Version: 4.0.16
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache
Operating System: Windows XP
Theme you are using: Imago08
Custom template: (Yes/No) No
PHP Debug Messages: None
MySQL Debug Messages:
DELETE FROM my__priv_msgs WHERE msg_id = 163
Error number: 0
Error message: Database update not allowed during processing of a GET request
Smarty Debug Messages: None
A full description of the issue: I cannot delete private messages. When I select the checkbox for a message in viewpmsg.php and press delete, it brings me to the 'message deleted' page, then returns me to the inbox; the message is still there. When I am viewing the message on readpmsg.php and press delete, it brings me to a white screen, when debug turned on, the above error appears under Queries. However, that error does not appear all the time.