I am trying to get the background to change on every click of a link. It works fine on a normal html website. But it wont work in xoops. I have the javascript file in the include folder with the images directory in it. And I have the file linked to in the theme.html file. I check the error console in firefox and there are no errors. Just no change. Here is my javascript code.
var backgroundpics = new Array();
backgroundpics[0] = "images/background1.jpg";
backgroundpics[1] = "images/background2.jpg";
backgroundpics[2] = "images/background3.jpg";
backgroundpics[3] = "images/background4.jpg";
backgroundpics[4] = "images/background5.jpg";
function changebackground()
var number = (Math.floor(Math.random()*5))
the function is access as an onclick event in the usermenu and mainmenu templates which i have edited.