formulize - no subforms available

Greetings -

I'm using Regcodes & Formulize to customize user profiles on my site. Upon registering, people are granted access to both the registered users group and another of three groups depending on their role in the organization. I would like to add subforms to the form used for registration which asks questions which are specific to each role and is only visible by group members. I created a general registration form with data that pertains to all registered users and separate forms for all of the group-specific data. I then created frameworks which link the profile forms to the group-specific ones by user id. When I go to add one of these frameworks to the main profile form as a subform, however, I am not able to choose the frameworks I created as a subform. The box to the right of:

Which form do you want to include as a subform?


No subforms available - define a framework first

However I can go to the Create or Modify a Form Framework page under Actions and see the frameworks I've created. They contain two tables in each and specify a one-to-one relationship.

Here are the troubleshooting steps I've taken -

* searched and read any forum entries on 'subform' at dev.xoops.org and http://www.xoops.org, did some Googling as well

* reset all custom group permissions to have equal access as registered users

* made sure all handles for all frameworks are unique

* tried creating a simpler framework based on one form and a dummy

* restarted MySQL server

* updated the Formulize module after my form was created.

I worked around the problem by re-entering the elements of my group-specific forms into the main registration form and then limiting the groups which can view them, but I would like to be able to use the subforms feature in the future. Am I missing something obvious? Has anyone had this problem before?

I'm using 2.2RC1 with XOOPS 2.0.15

Re: formulize - no subforms available

Hello, I believe you cross posted this to dev.xoops.org, and there is a response there:


Technical Architect - Freeform Solutions
Formulize - custom registration forms, ad hoc forms and reports


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