I am installing timesheet.php to use with Sugar4.5 Open Source.
Has anyone used the new timesheet.php? How do I incorporate it into Sugar so it can be seen on the dashboard?
I also am having a problem logging in, here is the code and the results:
I thought it would help if I post the code and the error I am getting.
$DATABASE_HOST = "localhost";
$DATABASE_USER = "root";
$DATABASE_PASS = "mypassword";
$DATABASE_DB = "sugarcrm";
Can't perform query: FUNCTION sugarcrm.__DBPASSWORDFUNCTION__ does not exist
SELECT password AS passwd1, __DBPASSWORDFUNCTION__('mypassword') AS passwd2 FROM timesheet_user WHERE username='admin'
is in the data_crendials.inc file and I can not get pass it.
Admin is the timesheet username. I am using timesheet.php and put the database in sugarcrm. The password for all is the same.
Can I include timesheet.php in SugarCRM or should I use timesheetxoops?
Thank you