I don't want to break any rules, but loudo seems to be gone from XOOPS community. May I try to make resmanager work?
IMHO resmanager is a usefull module. I have been searching a reservation module for medical appointments (with confirmation email, etc). So far, resmanager seems to be the best choice but it has a fatal error.
Since I am not a coder, but I need this module, I call for help from those can manage XOOPS code.
I will try to make it work, and, if anybody could guide me, will be great.
So far, like other people here, I got a fatal error.
I think is because of managing date formats calling php function
$cal_jd = unixtojd($cal_timestamp);
I am sure that smarty or XOOPS classes have the ability to manage date format. So I want to change unixtojd with formatTimestamp or something.
If I'll change succsesfully unixtojd and cal_from_jd functions, I'll will let you know. Actually I did it , and fatal error message is gone, but the date values are wrong.
So the replacement of those functions could be a solution.
Anybody could help me with those changes ?
sorry for mypoor English, I hope I made myself clear.
Thank you for your help.
Don't follow me. I'm lost too.