The length of the abbreviated definition is set in the module's system preferences in "12. Length of string to show in random definitions". This variable sets the description length used in the module's blocks and in the letters and category pages.
An easy fix would be to set that variable to a high enough number so that it includes the full definition in the letters and category views. Unfortunately that would cause the full definition to display in the module's blocks as well.
If you want to reserve the short definition variable for block use, you will have to modify letters.php and category.php to use the full definition.
Somewhere around lines 106 and 192 in letters.php you will find the random length variable in use.
$deftemp = cleanTags($definition);
$deftemp = $myts -> displayTarea ( substr ( $deftemp, 0, ( $xoopsModuleConfig['rndlength'] -1 ))) . "...";
$eachentry['definition'] = $deftemp;
The "clean tags line" removes images, links and other html tags from the short definition and the "rndlength" variable limits the string length.
Comment out those lines and replace with code that will display the full definition:
// HACK for full definition
//$deftemp = cleanTags($definition);
//$deftemp = $myts -> displayTarea ( substr ( $deftemp, 0, ( $xoopsModuleConfig['rndlength'] -1 ))) . "...";
$deftemp = $myts -> displayTarea( $definition, $html, $smiley, $xcodes, 1, $breaks );
// END HACK for full definition
$eachentry['definition'] = $deftemp;
You may want to modify this code in category.php (line 139) to show the full definition in category view as well.