XOOPS Version: v2.0.x
PHP Version:5.1.2
MySQL Version:5.0.18
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache
Operating System: Win XP Pro SP2
Theme you are using:default
Custom template: (Yes/No) no
PHP Debug Messages:n/a
MySQL Debug Messages:n/a
Smarty Debug Messages:n/a
A full description of the issue:
I can access my site,
http://lkuindustries.com, however there are no images, not a blank screen, just no images. I have figured out that the problem is that the site is still trying to use 'localhost' instead of the domain. I need to know how to transfer it from localhost to my domain.
Everything works fine, but when I installed XOOPS thats when it went wrong, I had no errors in the install. The only thing that seems to be affected is the XOOPS part of the site, since I have a forum at lkuindustries.com/phpbb2/