Directory of Groups with their own content
  • 2006/4/7 6:37

  • seradares

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2006/4/7 6

Hello all,

To start off, I'm looking for a solution for a community site. I would ideally like to have some sort of directory for Guilds (eg http://www.efqdirectory.com/ (in alpha stage atm)), and give the guild masters the ability to moderate their listings. I would also like some sort of guild management features such as a roster, as in the Team module, but the key difference is that there will be multiple guilds on one site, it seems that Team is for one guild/clan per site.

If we become more general, there may be a module idea here, for example there is a module for Drupal called Organic Groups (http://drupal.org/project/og). I think this would also suit.

Can anyone suggest any modules, if there are any existing, which may work? Or perhaps another php script which can be wrapped into Xoops?

If not, would it be beneficial to everyone to suggest an idea like this (the Organic Groups or even a more specific solution) as a future module?

I think, in general, the ability to manage some groups, and allowing these groups to manage their own content, subscriptions to the group, etc, would be a beneficial addition to the module repository.



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